March 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 01:11:59 IST 2005
Ending: Thu Mar 31 22:22:32 IST 2005
Messages: 1386
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Venkata Achanta
- Bayes Poisoning - How to combat ?
Venkata Achanta
- MCP checks for outgoing only
Venkata Achanta
- MCP checks for outgoing only
Venkata Achanta
- MCP checks for outgoing only
Venkata Achanta
- Mail vanishes after hitting first MTA
John Adams
- Mail vanishes after hitting first MTA
John Adams
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Andrew Allen
- MailScanner Guestbook
Andrew Allen
- Mail Archive
Pablo Allietti
- Non encoded 8-bit dat in header?
Anders Andersson, IT
- Non encoded 8-bit dat in header?
Anders Andersson, IT
- bayes 00
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- OT-INFO: sbl blocks big freemailer
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- link blacklist
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- link blacklist
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Razor
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Compelte Rebuild.
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- add to
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Mailwatch
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- SA Network Tests
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc not being detected
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Allow mail unscanned from localhost.
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- Missing checksum for MailScanner-4.40.5-1 for RedHat
Walker Aumann
- Why am I seeing these errors in /var/log/maillog
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Mike Bacher
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Mike Bacher
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Mike Bacher
- Sender Notices
- Sender Notices
- Sender Notices
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Michael Baird
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Michael Baird
- Graphic Based Spams
Michael Baird
- Graphic Based Spams
Michael Baird
- Graphic Based Spams
Michael Baird
- Graphic Based Spams
Michael Baird
- SpamAssassin gumming up the works
Jason Balicki
- SpamAssassin gumming up the works
Jason Balicki
- Is it time to upgrade?
David Ballengee
- certain spam messages not be forwarded
David Ballengee
- certain spam messages not be forwarded
David Ballengee
- SpamAssassin 3.0.2 will not update from install-Clam-SA
Remco Barendse
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Peter Bates
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Peter Bates
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Peter Bates
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Peter Bates
- Using "Default Rules With Multiple Recipients"
Peter Bates
- What enables URIBLs?
Peter Bates
- feature request
Denis Beauchemin
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Denis Beauchemin
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Denis Beauchemin
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Brad Beckenhauer
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Brad Beckenhauer
Brad Beckenhauer
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Danny Beland
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Danny Beland
- blocking SDG files?
Ugo Bellavance
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
John Berntsen
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
John Berntsen
- CustomConfig funtions and parameters.
Christiaan den Besten
- What to Quarantaine ?
Christiaan den Besten
- CustomConfig funtions and parameters.
Christiaan den Besten
- New virus?? {Virus Scanned}
Christo Bezuidenhout
- Released beta 4.40.4
Daniel Bird
- Released beta 4.40.4
Daniel Bird
- Released beta 4.40.4
Daniel Bird
- Released beta 4.40.4
Daniel Bird
- Question regarding IPBlock
Marcel Blenkers
- Question regarding IPBlock
Marcel Blenkers
- antivir update
Marcel Blenkers
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Marcel Blenkers
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Marcel Blenkers
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Marcel Blenkers
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Marcel Blenkers
- Beta release 4.39.4
Peter Bonivart
- RBLs (I Need help! :P )
Peter Bonivart
- Which Bayes files?
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- SMgateway
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Peter Bonivart
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Peter Bonivart
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- bayes expire tokens
Peter Bonivart
- bayes expire tokens
Peter Bonivart
- bayes expire tokens
Peter Bonivart
- question about spam store option
Peter Bonivart
- question about spam store option
Peter Bonivart
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Bonivart
- Graphic Based Spams
Peter Bonivart
- bayes expire tokens
Peter Bonivart
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Peter Bonivart
- small spam score, but defined as spam
Peter Bonivart
- 4.40.5, Solaris 9, no problems
Peter Bonivart
- Spam tag
Peter Bonivart
- Problems with users rules
Peter Bonivart
- Blocking Unknow Users
- SV: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Henrik Bro
- SV: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Henrik Bro
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Ed Bruce
- Has the list died?
Ed Bruce
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Quentin Campbell
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
Quentin Campbell
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..." - SORTED & THANKS!
Quentin Campbell
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Quentin Campbell
- 4.40.2-1 - good news to report!
Quentin Campbell
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!! - SA trust
paths; doing it correctly?
Quentin Campbell
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!! - SA trust
paths; doing it correctly?
Quentin Campbell
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!! - Question for
Jeff Earickson
Quentin Campbell
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Gareth Campling
- Filename whitelist virus problem
Carinus Carelse
- Filename whitelist virus problem
Carinus Carelse
- maximum attachment size ignored
Thomas Carstensen
Mauricio Cavalcanti
- Problems with users rules
Royer Christophe
- Problems with users rules
Royer Christophe
- Rules for random character subjects?
Jim Coates
- Rules for random character subjects?
Jim Coates
- bayes 00
Jim Coates
- bayes 00
Jim Coates
- bayes 00
Jim Coates
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Jim Coates
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Jim Coates
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- SA Timeouts
Jim Coates
- Whitelist > Blacklist
Derek Buttineau | Compu-SOLVE
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- bayes expire tokens
Chris Conn
- Realeasing from quarantine
Jens W. Skov - JS Consult
- SV: Realeasing from quarantine
Jens W. Skov - JS Consult
- Multiple Patterns In Rules
Stephen Conway
- Multiple Patterns In Rules
Stephen Conway
- Beta release 4.39.4
Rick Cooper
- Beta release 4.39.4
Rick Cooper
- Beta release 4.39.4
Rick Cooper
- Beta release 4.39.4
Rick Cooper
- Unrar Patches
Rick Cooper
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Rick Cooper
- Beta release 4.39.4
Rick Cooper
- 4.40.2 -- RAR 3 support
Rick Cooper
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Rick Cooper
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
Rick Cooper
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Rick Cooper
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Rick Cooper
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Rick Cooper
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
Rick Cooper
- bug? using unrar
Rick Cooper
- bug? using unrar
Rick Cooper
- bug? using unrar
Rick Cooper
- bug? using unrar
Rick Cooper
- Released beta 4.40.4
Rick Cooper
- Released beta 4.40.4
Rick Cooper
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Rick Cooper
- ClamAv and --unrar=
Rick Cooper
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Rick Cooper
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Rick Cooper
- blocking SDG files?
Rick Cooper
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Rick Cooper
- bayes 00
David Curtis
- bayes 00
David Curtis
- bayes 00
David Curtis
- bayes 00
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
David Curtis
David Curtis
- Eathlink spamblocker
David Curtis
- Eathlink spamblocker
David Curtis
David Curtis
- rules update
David Curtis
- rules update
David Curtis
- rules update
David Curtis
- rulesdujour
David Curtis
- rulesdujour
David Curtis
- Question regarding IPBlock
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
- smtp server test?
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Alisdair Davey
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Alisdair Davey
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Jim Davis
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Jim Davis
- Hostname
RedRed!com IT Department
- How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
RedRed!com IT Department
- How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
RedRed!com IT Department
- How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
RedRed!com IT Department
- Debugging Sendmail, WAS: How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
RedRed!com IT Department
- Debugging Sendmail, WAS: How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
RedRed!com IT Department
- Vexira command line switches
RedRed!com IT Department
- Vexira command line switches
RedRed!com IT Department
- Vexira command line switches
RedRed!com IT Department
- blocking SDG files?
Fractal IT Dept.
- blocking SDG files?
Fractal IT Dept.
- first message spam, next spam gets whitelisted?
Fractal IT Dept.
- blocking SDG files?
Fractal IT Dept.
- blocking SDG files?
Fractal IT Dept.
- first message spam, next spam gets whitelisted?
Fractal IT Dept.
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
Desai, Jason
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Desai, Jason
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Desai, Jason
- bayes expire tokens
Desai, Jason
- spam with inline gif image but filename of .com
Desai, Jason
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Jim Dickenson
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Fw: Spam - Internet gaming industry, Gaming Transac
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- link blacklist
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- bayes expire tokens
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Bayes rebuild timeout problems
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- New Spam
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- MailScanner beta 4.40.8 release
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- All zip files are being blocked
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- All zip files are being blocked
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Log abt mail scanner
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- spamc logs - even after stopping spam chks
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- 4.40.5, Solaris 9, no problems
Gerry Doris
- Warnings in FSL spam.assassin.prefs.conf
Gerry Doris
- Which Bayes files?
Dhawal Doshy
- Razor-agent.log - how?
Dhawal Doshy
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out - oops
Dhawal Doshy
- MailScanner: Beta 4.36.1 released
Dhawal Doshy
- MailScanner: Beta 4.36.1 released
Dhawal Doshy
- Bayes is gone
Dhawal Doshy
- Released beta 4.40.4
Dhawal Doshy
- Subject gets blank
Dhawal Doshy
- Subject gets blank
Dhawal Doshy
- Subject gets blank
Dhawal Doshy
- postfix - problems with 'subject'
Dhawal Doshy
- Bayes Poisoning - How to combat ?
Dhawal Doshy
- Bayes Poisoning - How to combat ?
Dhawal Doshy
- Spam that puts extra Subject lines in to avoid being
Duncan, Brian M.
- Spam that puts extra Subject lines in to avoid being
Duncan, Brian M.
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Jeff A. Earickson
- Burned by clamavmodule, Mail-ClamAV, symlinks
Jeff A. Earickson
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Jeff A. Earickson
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
Jeff A. Earickson
- question about spam store option
Jeff A. Earickson
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Jeff A. Earickson
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Jeff A. Earickson
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Jeff A. Earickson
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Jeff A. Earickson
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!! - SA trust
paths; doing it correctly?
Jeff A. Earickson
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Jeff A. Earickson
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Jeff A. Earickson
- IDS options?
Jeff A. Earickson
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Jeff A. Earickson
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!! - Question for
Jeff Earickson
Jeff A. Earickson
- No recipient notification
Jeff A. Earickson
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Jeff A. Earickson
- quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice?
Jeff A. Earickson
- quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice?
Jeff A. Earickson
- quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice?
Jeff A. Earickson
- SpamAssassin gumming up the works
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice
Jeff A. Earickson
- add to
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: comments on spam.assassin.prefs.conf
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5, Solaris 9, no problems
Jeff A. Earickson
- perl-MailTools-1.66
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Jeff A. Earickson
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Jeff A. Earickson
Tunc Eresen
Tunc Eresen
- How did this spam make it through?
Jeff Falgout
- Beta release 4.39.4
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Julian Field
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
Julian Field
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Julian Field
- Mail vanishes after hitting first MTA
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- shipment time for the MailScanner book
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- Beta release 4.39.4
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- Deny
Julian Field
- Is it time to upgrade?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- 4.39.5-1 - is sendmail locking broken again?
Julian Field
- SV: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- blacklist & whitelist question.
Julian Field
- Beta release 4.39.4
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Julian Field
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
Julian Field
- External virus scanners
Julian Field
- F-prot problem
Julian Field
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
Julian Field
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Julian Field
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
Julian Field
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Knowledge-base about SMGateway
Julian Field
- Inform Recipient About Virus Mail
Julian Field
- error message when debugging mailscanner &
Julian Field
- Question regarding IPBlock
Julian Field
- 4.40.1
Julian Field
- Vicious Circle
Julian Field
- 4.40.2 -- RAR 3 support
Julian Field
- Vicious Circle
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Julian Field
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Filename whitelist virus problem
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Julian Field
- Hostname
Julian Field
- Hostname
Julian Field
- Hostname
Julian Field
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Julian Field
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Julian Field
- DNS wildcards used in new phishing attacks
Julian Field
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Julian Field
- User-wise content parsing from rulesets in a database
Julian Field
- Correct/Best MailTools version ?
Julian Field
- Phishing Net: How it works
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- bayes expire tokens
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- bayes expire tokens
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Julian Field
- DNS wildcards used in new phishing attacks
Julian Field
- bug? using unrar
Julian Field
- What does this mean ?
Julian Field
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Julian Field
- What does this mean ?
Julian Field
- Antivirus
Julian Field
- 4.40.2-1 - good news to report!
Julian Field
- bayes expire tokens
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- question about spam store option
Julian Field
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Julian Field
- bayes expire tokens
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- bayes expire tokens
Julian Field
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Julian Field
- MAILSCANNER Digest - 6 Mar 2005 to 7 Mar 2005 - Special issue
Julian Field
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Julian Field
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Julian Field
- AntiSpam Technics
Julian Field
- inline html warning vs. text warning
Julian Field
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Julian Field
- Sender Notices
Julian Field
- MailScanner: Beta 4.36.1 released
Julian Field
- quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice?
Julian Field
- install failure on clean x86_64 FC3
Julian Field
- rulesdujour
Julian Field
- install failure on clean x86_64 FC3
Julian Field
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Julian Field
- quarantine notify in CreatePostmasterNotice?
Julian Field
- Bayes
Julian Field
- Bayes rebuild timeout problems
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- SpamAssassin gumming up the works
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- bayes on new server
Julian Field
- SophosSAVI module on AMD x86_64?
Julian Field
- add to
Julian Field
- add to
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
Julian Field
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Julian Field
- mailscanner x86_64 install failure
Julian Field
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Julian Field
- small spam score, but defined as spam
Julian Field
- Released beta 4.40.4
Julian Field
- 4.40.5, Solaris 9, no problems
Julian Field
- What does this mean ?
Julian Field
- Mailwatch
Julian Field
- ZMailer help please
Julian Field
- ZMailer help please
Julian Field
- ZMailer help please
Julian Field
- Using "Default Rules With Multiple Recipients"
Julian Field
- What enables URIBLs?
Julian Field
- SA Timeouts
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- SA Timeouts
Julian Field
- Mailwatch
Julian Field
- SA Timeouts
Julian Field
- SA Timeouts
Julian Field
- Missing checksum for MailScanner-4.40.5-1 for RedHat
Julian Field
- Subject gets blank
Julian Field
- Subject gets blank
Julian Field
- smtp server test?
Julian Field
- Subject gets blank
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Abort delivery of mail in
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Julian Field
- Sender Notices
Julian Field
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Julian Field
- Guestbook closed
Julian Field
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
Julian Field
- Can't set GID
Julian Field
- question about archive format
Julian Field
- Presentation about MailScanner
Julian Field
- TodayDir() function
Julian Field
- Multiple Patterns In Rules
Julian Field
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Julian Field
- Beta release 4.40.6
Julian Field
- Phishing net FP
Julian Field
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Julian Field
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Julian Field
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Julian Field
- Multiple Patterns In Rules
Julian Field
- feature request
Julian Field
- feature request
Julian Field
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- ClamAv and --unrar=
Julian Field
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Julian Field
- CustomConfig funtions and parameters.
Julian Field
- New Spam
Julian Field
- certain spam messages not be forwarded
Julian Field
- certain spam messages not be forwarded
Julian Field
- Mail Archive
Julian Field
- All zip files are being blocked
Julian Field
- MailScanner beta 4.40.7 released
Julian Field
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Julian Field
- MailScanner beta 4.40.8 release
Julian Field
- Feature request or have i missed it?
Julian Field
- MailScanner beta 4.40.8 release
Julian Field
- 2 spam checking issues...
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Julian Field
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Julian Field
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Julian Field
- 2 spam checking issues...
Julian Field
- 2 spam checking issues...
Julian Field
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Julian Field
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Julian Field
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Julian Field
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Julian Field
- Warnings in FSL spam.assassin.prefs.conf
Julian Field
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Julian Field
- Vexira command line switches
Julian Field
- Vexira command line switches
Julian Field
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Julian Field
- Vexira command line switches
Julian Field
- MS book
Julian Field
- MCP checks for outgoing only
Julian Field
- I MUST be missing something....
Julian Field
- Check sa-learn status?
Julian Field
- MCP checks for outgoing only
Julian Field
- Julian, [SA-SPAM] and the lovely AWL
Julian Field
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Julian Field
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Julian Field
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Julian Field
- Bayes
Dave Filchak
- Bayes
Dave Filchak
- mcafee extra.dat
Tony Finch
- McAfee users... update now...
Tony Finch
- 4.40.5: unrar for Solaris users?
Randy Fishel
- Mail Relays
Christopher J Ford
- RBLs (I Need help! :P )
Christopher J Ford
- blacklist & whitelist question.
Christopher J Ford
- blacklist & whitelist question.
Christopher J Ford
- TodayDir() function
Chuck Foster
- Problem releasing a message
Steve Freegard
- Debugging Sendmail, WAS: How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
Pentland G.
- External virus scanners
Violaine G.
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- Vicious Circle
Dave Goodrich
- [messed] up Perl?
James Gray
- OT - Clamav question
James Gray
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
James Gray
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
James Gray
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
James Gray
- Graphic Based Spams
James Gray
- small spam score, but defined as spam
James Gray
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
James Gray
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
James Gray
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
James Gray
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
James Gray
- feature request
James Gray
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Rodney Green
- Razor
Rodney Green
- Razor
Rodney Green
- Razor
Rodney Green
- Razor
Rodney Green
- Realeasing from quarantine
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- What enables URIBLs?
Rodney Green
- What enables URIBLs?
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- SA Network Tests
Rodney Green
- External virus scanners
Violaine Grimly
- External virus scanners
Violaine Grimly
- External virus scanners
Violaine Grimly
- What does this mean ?
Violaine Grimly
- What does this mean ?
Violaine Grimly
- What does this mean ?
Violaine Grimly
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
David H.
- 4.40.1
David H.
- Vicious Circle
David H.
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
David H.
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
David H.
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Lance Haig
- Compelte Rebuild.
Lance Haig
- Compelte Rebuild.
Lance Haig
- Compelte Rebuild.
Lance Haig
- Compelte Rebuild.
Lance Haig
- Compelte Rebuild.
Lance Haig
- MS book
Lance Haig
- IDS options?
Devon Harding
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Devon Harding
- SA Timeouts
Devon Harding
- HTML Table SPAM?
Devon Harding
- HTML Table SPAM?
Devon Harding
- HTML Table SPAM?
Devon Harding
- Check sa-learn status?
Devon Harding
- MAILSCANNER Digest - 6 Mar 2005 to 7 Mar 2005 - Special issue
"Danny Harris" at KILI.JISCMAIL.AC.UK
- MAILSCANNER Digest - 6 Mar 2005 to 7 Mar 2005 - Special issue
Dan Harris
- Razor
Leonardo Helman
- ZMailer help please
Leonardo Helman
- ZMailer help please
Leonardo Helman
- Beta release 4.39.4
Martin Hepworth
- Beta release 4.39.4
Martin Hepworth
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
Martin Hepworth
- External virus scanners
Martin Hepworth
- External virus scanners
Martin Hepworth
- bayes 00
Martin Hepworth
- Sophos and Mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- bayes 00
Martin Hepworth
- Which Bayes files?
Martin Hepworth
- Rules for random character subjects?
Martin Hepworth
- Zero epoch-date
Martin Hepworth
- Vicious Circle
Martin Hepworth
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Martin Hepworth
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Martin Hepworth
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Martin Hepworth
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Martin Hepworth
- Vicious Circle
Martin Hepworth
- Problem with MailScanner and score
Martin Hepworth
- Problem Spamassassin - Mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- Problem Spamassassin - Mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- SV: Problem with MailScanner and score
Martin Hepworth
- Whitelist FromOrTo:
Martin Hepworth
- Whitelist FromOrTo:
Martin Hepworth
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Martin Hepworth
- User-wise content parsing from rulesets in a database
Martin Hepworth
- phishing net FP-ing on it's own messages
Martin Hepworth
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Martin Hepworth
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Martin Hepworth
- Eathlink spamblocker
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Martin Hepworth
- Realeasing from quarantine
Martin Hepworth
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Martin Hepworth
- Antivirus
Martin Hepworth
- Graphic Based Spams
Martin Hepworth
- Graphic Based Spams
Martin Hepworth
- Graphic Based Spams
Martin Hepworth
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Martin Hepworth
- How to quarantine only Phishing stuff from Clam?
Martin Hepworth
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Martin Hepworth
- rules update
Martin Hepworth
- rules update
Martin Hepworth
- SophosSAVI module on AMD x86_64?
Martin Hepworth
- Compelte Rebuild.
Martin Hepworth
- Released beta 4.40.4
Martin Hepworth
- Compelte Rebuild.
Martin Hepworth
- add to
Martin Hepworth
- JP Koopmann - MIA????
Martin Hepworth
- spamhaus-XBL
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- spam with inline gif image but filename of .com
Martin Hepworth
- spamhaus-XBL
Martin Hepworth
- spamhaus-XBL
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- Mailwatch
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- Bad Filename Detected
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- What enables URIBLs?
Martin Hepworth
- What enables URIBLs?
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- SA Network Tests
Martin Hepworth
- Mailwatch
Martin Hepworth
- SA Timeouts
Martin Hepworth
- SA Timeouts
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes is gone
Martin Hepworth
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
Martin Hepworth
- Allow mail unscanned from localhost.
Martin Hepworth
- test email
Martin Hepworth
- Has the list died?
Martin Hepworth
- Has the list died?
Martin Hepworth
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Martin Hepworth
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- 4.40.6, exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- New Spam
Martin Hepworth
- New Spam
Martin Hepworth
- OT: Converting MBOX back to qf/df files
Martin Hepworth
- New Spam
Martin Hepworth
- New Spam
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner beta 4.40.7 released
Martin Hepworth
- {Spam?} Re: [MAILSCANNER] HTML Table SPAM?
Martin Hepworth
- exim losing messages
Martin Hepworth
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Martin Hepworth
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Martin Hepworth
- spamc logs - even after stopping spam chks
Martin Hepworth
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner now on the fritz
Martin Hepworth
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Martin Hepworth
- Fw: Spam - Internet gaming industry, Gaming Transac
Magda Hewryk
- Sophos and Mailscanner
Steve Hickel
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Steve Hickel
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Hirsh, Joshua
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
Dan Hollis
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Dan Hollis
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Dan Hollis
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Dan Hollis
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Dan Hollis
- install failure on clean x86_64 FC3
Dan Hollis
- mailscanner x86_64 install failure
Dan Hollis
- mailscanner x86_64 install failure
Dan Hollis
- mailscanner x86_64 install failure
Dan Hollis
- x86_64 revisited
Dan Hollis
- MailScanner beta 4.40.8 release
G. Armour Van Horn
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
Paul Houselander
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
Paul Houselander
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
Paul Houselander
- OT: Converting MBOX back to qf/df files
Paul Houselander
- Hostname
Jason Huddleston
- Hostname
Jason Huddleston
- Hostname
Jason Huddleston
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
[UTF-8] David Höhn
- 4.40.7 - OK
[UTF-8] David Höhn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc not being detected
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- Has the list died?
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- OT - Etrust Reg Exp for MailWatch
David Jacobson
- small spam score, but defined as spam
- bayes on new server
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- spamhaus-XBL
- SpamAssassin 3.0.2 will not update from install-Clam-SA
Roger Jochem
- New virus??
Roger Jochem
- Best value anti-virus programs
Roger Jochem
- Virus notifications
Roger Jochem
- Mail Relays
Roger Jochem
- Mail Relays
Roger Jochem
- shipment time for the MailScanner book
Roger Jochem
- Deny
Roger Jochem
- Deny
Roger Jochem
- SV: SV: Problem with MailScanner and score
Roger Jochem
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Roger Jochem
- Antivirus
Roger Jochem
- Antivirus
Roger Jochem
- Antivirus
Roger Jochem
- Antivirus
Roger Jochem
- Razor
Roger Jochem
- Razor
Roger Jochem
- Razor
Roger Jochem
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Roger Jochem
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Roger Jochem
- Released beta 4.40.4
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- New feature
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- Mailwatch
Roger Jochem
- notices
Roger Jochem
- notices
Roger Jochem
- notices
Roger Jochem
- New Spam
Roger Jochem
- New Spam
Roger Jochem
- New Spam
Roger Jochem
- New Spam
Roger Jochem
- New Spam
Roger Jochem
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Roger Jochem
- Virus question
Roger Jochem
- Virus question
Roger Jochem
- [OT] Virus question
Roger Jochem
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Tony Johansson
- error message when debugging mailscanner & spamassassin
Bob Jones
- 2 spam checking issues...
Bob Jones
- 2 spam checking issues...
Bob Jones
- 2 spam checking issues...
Bob Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Dean Jones
- Newlines (\n) in subjects
Stijn Jonker
- Razor-agent.log - how?
Errol Uriel Neal Jr.
- Guestbook closed
Gib Gilbertson Jr.
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Kash, Howard (Civ,ARL/CISD)
- How did this spam make it through?
Mike Kercher
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
Matt Kettler
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
Matt Kettler
- Rules for random character subjects?
Matt Kettler
- OT-INFO: sbl blocks big freemailer - delisted?
Matt Kettler
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Matt Kettler
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Matt Kettler
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Matt Kettler
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Matt Kettler
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Matt Kettler
- Graphic Based Spams
Matt Kettler
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Matt Kettler
- IDS options?
Matt Kettler
- IDS options?
Matt Kettler
- Guestbook closed
Matt Kettler
- message bodies deleted?
Matt Kettler
- All zip files are being blocked
Matt Kettler
- HTML Table SPAM?
Matt Kettler
- Weird problem with local SA tests
Matt Kettler
- blocking SDG files?
Matt Kettler
- HTML Table SPAM?
Matt Kettler
- HTML Table SPAM?
Matt Kettler
- first message spam, next spam gets whitelisted?
Matt Kettler
- first message spam, next spam gets whitelisted?
Matt Kettler
- blocking SDG files?
Matt Kettler
- message bodies deleted?
Daniel Kleinsinger
- Whitelist working strangely
Daniel Kleinsinger
- Problem with MailScanner and score
Anders Kongsted
- SV: Problem with MailScanner and score
Anders Kongsted
- SV: SV: Problem with MailScanner and score
Anders Kongsted
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- SV: Bayes is gone
Anders Kongsted
- JP Koopmann - MIA????
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- JP Koopmann - MIA????
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- Can't set GID
Kris Kopicki
- Can't set GID
Kris Kopicki
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Adri Koppes
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving 'x.x.x.x.ipwhois.rfc-ignorant
Adri Koppes
- Beta release 4.39.4
Adri Koppes
- Beta release 4.39.4
Adri Koppes
- External virus scanners
Adri Koppes
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Adri Koppes
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
Lars Kristiansen
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
Lars Kristiansen
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Lars Kristiansen
- Email is HTML Disarmed - doesn't get sent afterwards
Greg Krzeszkowski
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Raylund Lai
- blocking RFC/best practices violators
Raylund Lai
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
Raylund Lai
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Problem releasing a message
Isi Lawson
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
David Lee
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
David Lee
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
David Lee
- bayes expire tokens
David Lee
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
David Lee
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
David Lee
- 4.40.5 comment
David Lee
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
David Lee
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
David Lee
- Mailscanner blocking legit .zip files
Brian Lewis
- spamhaus-XBL
Frank Louwers
- spamhaus-XBL
Frank Louwers
- spamhaus-XBL
Frank Louwers
- spamhaus-XBL
Frank Louwers
- W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc not being detected
BG Mahesh
- W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc not being detected
BG Mahesh
- All zip files are being blocked
BG Mahesh
- All zip files are being blocked
BG Mahesh
- All zip files are being blocked
BG Mahesh
- Mysql Logging
Dean Maluski
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
Drew Marshall
- OT postfix question
Drew Marshall
- OT postfix question
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- Razor
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Drew Marshall
- Compelte Rebuild.
Drew Marshall
- spamhaus-XBL
Drew Marshall
- spamhaus-XBL
Drew Marshall
- spamhaus-XBL
Drew Marshall
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Drew Marshall
- Has the list died?
Drew Marshall
- Has the list died?
Drew Marshall
- Has the list died?
Drew Marshall
- Has the list died?
Drew Marshall
- How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
Drew Marshall
- How do I set Mailscanner to not use MSP?
Drew Marshall
- New Spam
Drew Marshall
- New Spam
Drew Marshall
- New Spam
Drew Marshall
- Compelte Rebuild.
Drew Marshall
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Drew Marshall
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Drew Marshall
- Correct/Best MailTools version ?
Michael H. Martel
- Correct/Best MailTools version ?
Michael H. Martel
- ProcessClamAVOutput: unrecognised
Michael H. Martel
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Michael H. Martel
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
Martin, Jeremy
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
Martin, Jeremy
- Vicious Circle
Vlad Mazek
- Vicious Circle
Vlad Mazek
- smtp server test?
Vlad Mazek
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Vlad Mazek
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Vlad Mazek
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Vlad Mazek
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Vlad Mazek
- I MUST be missing something....
Vlad Mazek
- I MUST be missing something....
Vlad Mazek
- Releasing from quarantine
Courtney McKee
- Releasing from quarantine
Courtney McKee
- Allow mail unscanned from localhost.
Rabie van der Merwe
- Allow mail unscanned from localhost.
Rabie van der Merwe
- Has the list died?
Rabie van der Merwe
- Has the list died?
Rabie van der Merwe
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
- Bayes is gone
- spamc logs - even after stopping spam chks
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Kevin Miller
- Virus question
Kevin Miller
- Reports not attached after upgrade to 4.39.5
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Sending SIG HUP to Mailscanner
Stef Morrell
- Razor
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Stef Morrell
- Spam that puts extra Subject lines in to avoid being
Stef Morrell
- question about archive format
Erik Myllymaki
- question about archive format
Erik Myllymaki
- message bodies deleted?
Erik Myllymaki
- Spam tag
Sathes Nair
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Errol Neal
- When does MS insert envelope headers?
Mark Nienberg
- MailScanner setting score ALL_TRUSTED 0???!!!!
Mark Nienberg
- Whitelist FromOrTo:
Andy Norris
- Whitelist FromOrTo:
Andy Norris
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after upgrade?
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- [SA-SPAM] Re: MailScaner Version & flushing AWL
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- MailScanner now on the fritz
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- MailScanner now on the fritz
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- [OT] Virus question
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- Julian, [SA-SPAM] and the lovely AWL
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- [SA-SPAM] Re: Julian, [SA-SPAM] and the lovely AWL
Dave Duffner - PSCGi
- User-wise content parsing from rulesets in a database
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- User-wise content parsing from rulesets in a database
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- User-wise content parsing from rulesets in a database
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Sending SIG HUP to Mailscanner
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Text part in $message
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Abort delivery of mail in
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Abort delivery of mail in
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Abort delivery of mail in
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- Guestbook closed
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Philip Parsons
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Philip Parsons
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Peter Peters
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Peter Peters
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Sylvain Phaneuf
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving ''
James Pifer
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
James Pifer
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
James Pifer
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
Andreas Piper
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
Andreas Piper
- No recipient notification
Sam Przyswa
- No recipient notification
Sam Przyswa
- inline html warning vs. text warning
Mack Ragan
- shipment time for the MailScanner book
- Beta release 4.39.4
- 4.40.2 -- RAR 3 support
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
- Spam that puts extra Subject lines in to avoid being
- Blocking Unknow Users
- Blocking Unknow Users
- CustomConfig funtions and parameters.
- New virus??
Randal, Phil
- New virus??
Randal, Phil
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Randal, Phil
- spamhaus-XBL
Randal, Phil
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Stefan Rapp
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Stefan Rapp
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Stefan Rapp
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Stefan Rapp
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
- Feature request or have i missed it?
- Feature request or have i missed it?
- (Fwd) Re: Non nesting rules
Howard Robinson
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Rose, Bobby
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- bug? using unrar
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- bug? using unrar
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- bug? using unrar
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
John Rudd
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
John Rudd
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
John Rudd
- blocking RFC/best practices violators
John Rudd
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
John Rudd
- Vicious Circle
John Rudd
- Vicious Circle
John Rudd
- New virus??
Runald, Patrik
- New virus??
Runald, Patrik
- New virus??
Pete Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Pete Russell
- OT - Clamav question
Pete Russell
- OT - Clamav question
Pete Russell
- External virus scanners
Pete Russell
- External virus scanners
Pete Russell
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Pete Russell
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Pete Russell
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Pete Russell
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Pete Russell
- Virus being missed. (oops)
Pete Russell
- OT postfix question
Pete Russell
- OT postfix question
Pete Russell
- Vicious Circle
Pete Russell
- antivir update
Pete Russell
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Pete Russell
- OT postfix question
Pete Russell
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
Pete Russell
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Pete Russell
- Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]
Pete Russell
Pete Russell
- Report variable substitutions
Pete Russell
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Pete Russell
- Compelte Rebuild.
Pete Russell
- spamhaus-XBL
Pete Russell
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Pete Russell
- W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc not being detected
Pete Russell
- Dont Scan if from certain IP
Pete Russell
- New Spam
Pete Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Peter Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Peter Russell
- Sa-learn tricks
Peter Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Peter Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Peter Russell
- bitdefender FreeBSD - solved FSBD and RHEL4
Peter Russell
- OT - Clamav question
Peter Russell
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Peter Russell
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Peter Russell
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Peter Russell
- Rules for random character subjects?
Peter Russell
- bayes 00
Peter Russell
- Which Bayes files?
Peter Russell
- SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4
Peter Russell
- bayes 00
Peter Russell
- OT - Clamav question
Peter Russell
- bayes 00
Peter Russell
- Razor-agent.log - how?
Peter Russell
- SMgateway
Peter Russell
- SMgateway
Peter Russell
- SMgateway
Peter Russell
- SMgateway - thanks
Peter Russell
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Peter Russell
- DNS wildcards used in new phishing attacks
Peter Russell
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Peter Russell
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Peter Russell
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out
Peter Russell
- Mail-ClamAV-0.17 out - oops
Peter Russell
- Released beta 4.40.4
Peter Russell
- smtp server test?
Peter Russell
- Guestbook closed
Peter Russell
- Guestbook closed
Peter Russell
- Releasing from quarantine
Peter Russell
- feature request
Peter Russell
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Peter Russell
- OT: mailscanner & oom killer on fc2
Peter Russell
- Postfix 2.2 and hashed mail queues
Remy de Ruysscher
- mcafee extra.dat
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- mcafee extra.dat
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- mcafee extra.dat
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- ClamAV and SpamAssassin from Julian's tarball on Debian Woody
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- sa-learn hangs
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- sa-learn hangs -- SOLVED
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- sa-learn hangs -- SOLVED
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- Wrong Block Attach
Suporte SETi
- Bad Filename Detected
- Inform Recipient About Virus Mail
Devi Sambamoorthy
- Inform Recipient About Virus Mail
Devi Sambamoorthy
- Log abt mail scanner
Devi Sambamoorthy
- spamc logs - even after stopping spam chks
Devi Sambamoorthy
- spamc logs - even after stopping spam chks
Devi Sambamoorthy
- feature request
Martin Sapsed
- When does MS insert envelope headers?
Kai Schaetzl
- When does MS insert envelope headers?
Kai Schaetzl
- link blacklist
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- When does MS insert envelope headers?
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- bayes expire tokens
Kai Schaetzl
- Problem releasing a message
Kai Schaetzl
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Kai Schaetzl
- Abort delivery of mail in
Kai Schaetzl
- spamhaus-XBL
Kai Schaetzl
- Bayes is gone
Kai Schaetzl
- Bayes is gone
Kai Schaetzl
- What enables URIBLs?
Kai Schaetzl
- Bayes is gone
Kai Schaetzl
- SA Timeouts
Kai Schaetzl
- What enables URIBLs?
Kai Schaetzl
- Abort delivery of mail in
Kai Schaetzl
- SA Timeouts
Kai Schaetzl
- smtp server test?
Kai Schaetzl
- SA Timeouts
Kai Schaetzl
- SA Timeouts
Kai Schaetzl
- Abort delivery of mail in
Kai Schaetzl
- Bayes is gone
Kai Schaetzl
- Guestbook closed
Kai Schaetzl
- Bayes Poisoning - How to combat ?
Kai Schaetzl
- Message strangeness from ZDnet
Kai Schaetzl
- How did this spam make it through?
Kai Schaetzl
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
Felix Schwarz
- RFC: CRM114 intergration something that some would use?
Felix Schwarz
- Want to add a product in 3rd party product list.
SatyaDev Sharma
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Alex Short
- Hostname
Shortt, Kevin
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Richard Siddall
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Scott Silva
Scott Silva
- OT - Clamav question
Scott Silva
- External virus scanners
Scott Silva
- OT - Clamav question
Scott Silva
- Question regarding IPBlock
Scott Silva
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Scott Silva
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Scott Silva
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Scott Silva
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Scott Silva
- Problem releasing a message
Scott Silva
- Rules Du Jour and local domains
Scott Silva
- script
Scott Silva
- Mailwatch
Scott Silva
- spamhaus-XBL
Scott Silva
- smtp server test?
Scott Silva
- SA Timeouts
Scott Silva
- Mailscanner blocking legit .zip files
Scott Silva
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
Scott Silva
- blocking SDG files?
Scott Silva
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Scott Silva
- AntiSpam Technics
Anakin SkyWalker
- Problem Spamassassin - Mailscanner
Martins Smilga
- Problem Spamassassin - Mailscanner
Martins Smilga
- smtp server test?
Joe Smith
- smtp server test?
Joe Smith
- Best value anti-virus programs
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Maybe OT: lame server resolving
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Phishing net FP
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Phishing net FP
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- New virus??
Steen, Glenn
- Best value anti-virus programs
Steen, Glenn
- bitdefender FreeBSD
Steen, Glenn
- Which Bayes files?
Steen, Glenn
- Which Bayes files?
Steen, Glenn
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
Steen, Glenn
- External virus scanners
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Razor-agent.log - how?
Steen, Glenn
- mcafee extra.dat
Steen, Glenn
- [Slightly OT] Phishing detection
Steen, Glenn
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- mcafee extra.dat
Steen, Glenn
- OT postfix question
Steen, Glenn
- Vicious Circle
Steen, Glenn
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Vicious Circle
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- clamav and RAR..(update and feature request)
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner and score
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Non encoded 8-bit dat in header?
Steen, Glenn
- Non encoded 8-bit dat in header?
Steen, Glenn
- Realeasing from quarantine
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- Realeasing from quarantine
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Problem releasing a message
Steen, Glenn
- Razor
Steen, Glenn
- Panda not working
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Steen, Glenn
- Bayes is gone
Steen, Glenn
- Bayes is gone
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Bayes is gone
Steen, Glenn
- notices
Steen, Glenn
- notices
Steen, Glenn
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Steen, Glenn
- Allow mail unscanned from localhost.
Steen, Glenn
- Releasing from quarantine
Steen, Glenn
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Steen, Glenn
- McAfee users... update now...
Steen, Glenn
- Releasing from quarantine
Steen, Glenn
- Has the list died?
Steen, Glenn
- McAfee users... update now...
Steen, Glenn
- Has the list died?
Steen, Glenn
- SV: McAfee users... update now...
Steen, Glenn
- No subject
Glenn Steen
- No subject
Steen, Glenn
- blocking SDG files?
Steen, Glenn
- Released beta 4.40.4
Stein, Mr. Fred
- McAfee users... update now...
James R. Stevens
- OT: blocking RFC/best practices violators
Chris Stone
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- FW: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Stephen Swaney
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: New commercial product SMGateway
Stephen Swaney
- Virus being missed. (assumed)
Stephen Swaney
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Stephen Swaney
- Off topic - Emergency Exim support requested.
Stephen Swaney
- SMgateway
Stephen Swaney
- SMgateway
Stephen Swaney
- SMgateway - thanks
Stephen Swaney
- New version MailScanner stable release 4.39.5
Stephen Swaney
- IDS options?
Stephen Swaney
- SpamAssassin gumming up the works
Stephen Swaney
- Has the list died?
Stephen Swaney
- Has the list died?
Stephen Swaney
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Stephen Swaney
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
Stephen Swaney
- MailScaner suddenly starting up with content issues after
Stephen Swaney
- Problems with BitDefender updtaes ?
Stephen Swaney
- smtp server test?
Chris Sweeney
- Sizing machine for mailscanner
Koen Teugels
- Blocking Unknow Users
Felipe Tonioli
- Blocking Unknow Users
Felipe Tonioli
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Mike Tremaine
- bayes expire tokens
Mike Tremaine
- I MUST be missing something....
Chris Trudeau
- I MUST be missing something....
Chris Trudeau
- I MUST be missing something....
Chris Trudeau
- bayes expire tokens
Brady Tucker
- bayes expire tokens
Brady Tucker
- bayes expire tokens
Brady Tucker
- antivir update
- antivir update
- Razor
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Presentation about MailScanner
Robert Waldner
- Presentation about MailScanner
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Weird problem with local SA tests
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- Problem with MailScanner, postfix and corrupt mails
Robert Waldner
- F-prot problem
Darren Walker
- Report variable substitutions
Kai Wang
- Report variable substitutions
Kai Wang
- perl-MailTools-1.66
Ryan Weaver
- Which Bayes files?
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and clamAV
- Which Bayes files?
- Which Bayes files?
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
- Zero epoch-date
- Installing Mailscanner on Debian-testing - with exim 4 and
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- Does anyone have Panda working?
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Paul Welsh
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Paul Welsh
- Panda not working
Paul Welsh
- F-Prot vs BitDefender vs ClamAV
Paul Welsh
- New virus??
David While
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
David While
- IDS options?
David While
- A question re "Ignore Spam Whitelist If ..."
John Wilcock
- External virus scanners
John Wilcock
- Non encoded 8-bit dat in header?
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE: Phishing net updates
John Wilcock
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
John Wilcock
- Whitelist working strangely
Dennis Willson
- Hostname
Derek Winkler
- User unknown in virtual alias table
Derek Winkler
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Derek Winkler
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Derek Winkler
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Derek Winkler
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Derek Winkler
- Has the list died?
Derek Winkler
- Weird problem with local SA tests
Derek Winkler
- Virus in HTML Email Style Sheet
Derek Winkler
- Outstanding feature/fix requests?
Patrick Zerbin
- Bayes file
- install failure on clean x86_64 FC3
- 4.40.5: IPBlock 451 versus 550
- Test message by Jules
mailscanner at
- MailScanner beta 4.40.8 release
- problem after upgraded to 4.39
- prob after upgrading MailScanner
- [RFE] (was: Re: Beta release 4.39.4)
shrek-m at
- blocking mail for unknown users for certain domains only
- Emails get stuck in the incoming queue (
stefan.rapp at UNI-DORTMUND.DE
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 22:22:32 IST 2005
Archived on: Thu Jan 12 21:39:26 IST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).