Mail::ClamAV [was: Re: SAVI-Perl/Sophos on RedHat Enterprise 4]

David Lee t.d.lee at DURHAM.AC.UK
Mon Mar 7 11:08:51 GMT 2005

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, David Lee wrote:

> [...]
> We too have this problem (FC3, also ancient RH 7.3).  Rick Cooper has
> found that this seems to be an error within its tests (i.e. Mail::ClamAV
> itself is OK).  From an amended version of its "t/Mail-ClamAV.t" that he
> gave me, I derived the following patch.
> [...]

On Friday, I emailed the author (Scott Beck) of Mail::ClamAV about these
issues, and he has released version 0.16 over the weekend.  This seems to
have fixed most of the failures in the test suite, but it a separate set
of residual failures at the end, related to the "scanbuff" interface onto
ClamAV itself.  I understand from the "clamav-devel" list that this
interface is deprecated (scheduled for removal at ClamAV 0.90).

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