December 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Dec 1 09:15:59 IST 2004
Ending: Fri Dec 31 23:44:19 IST 2004
Messages: 1074
Drew Marshall
- /var/mail filling up
Dave Filchak
- /var/mail filling up
Mike Kercher
- /var/mail filling up
Dave Filchak
- /var/mail filling up
Ugo Bellavance
- /var/mail filling up
Dave Filchak
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Denis Beauchemin
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Scott Silva
- 710 messages waiting
Julian Field
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Errol Neal
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Errol Neal
- 710 messages waiting
Mike Kercher
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- 710 messages waiting
Mike Kercher
- 710 messages waiting
Steve Hickel
- [Fwd: Re: tar pit?]
William Burns
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Miguel Koren OBrien de Lacy
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Julian Field
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Miguel Koren OBrien de Lacy
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Julian Field
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Hendrik den Hartog
- [OT] - Size limit rules
Julian Field
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
Julian Field
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
Julian Field
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
Steen, Glenn
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
Vlad Mazek
- [OT] sendmail equivalent of zmailer's MaxSameIpSource ??
- A new kind of spam
Roger Jochem
- A new kind of spam
Ugo Bellavance
- Adding Custom Headers to SPAM
- Adding Custom Headers to SPAM
Julian Field
- adding custom spam headers
Dominik L. Borkowski
- adding custom spam headers
Julian Field
- administrivia: holidays coming up
Julian Field
- all mails are whitelisted
Bernd Holzinger
- all mails are whitelisted
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- all mails are whitelisted
Bernd Holzinger
- An express checkout? [was: Re: Postfix and Mailscanner sitting
in a tree k-iss-ing]
Julian Field
- An express checkout? [was: Re: Postfix and Mailscanner sitting
in a tree k-iss-ing]
- An express checkout? [was: Re: Postfix and Mailscanner sitting
in a tree k-iss-ing]
- An express checkout? [was: Re: Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in
a tree k-iss-ing]
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
John Wilcock
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Brian Parish
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Julian Field
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Scott Silva
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.3 released
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.37.5 released
Julian Field
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Jeff A. Earickson
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Julian Field
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Jeff A. Earickson
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Julian Field
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Julian Field
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Michael St. Laurent
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Jeff A. Earickson
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Schmitt,Andy C - JHSS
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Michael St. Laurent
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Michael St. Laurent
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Julian Field
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Peter Peters
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt
Peter Peters
- anti-phishing mode shot down by mgmt (Users and Outlook)
Pentland G.
- Anyone running Panda?
Andreas Svensson
- Archived mail
Rodney Green
- Archived mail
Vlad Mazek
- Archived mail
Julian Field
- Archived mail
Rodney Green
- Archived mail
Julian Field
- Archived mail
Rodney Green
- Archived mail
Julian Field
- Archived mail
Rodney Green
- Archived mail
Kevin Miller
- Auto White List working backwards?
Brendan Chard
- Auto White List working backwards?
Matt Kettler
- Autoupdate always runs a generic update for virus updates
Michael Freeman
- Autoupdate always runs a generic update for virus updates
Matt Kettler
- AW: MailScanner and QMail
Philipp Bundschuh
- AW: MailScanner and QMail
Julian Field
- AW: MailScanner and QMail
Dhawal Doshy
- Bayes ate my disk space...
Christian Campbell
- Bayes ate my disk space...
Julian Field
- Bayes.lock issue
Michael Freeman
- Bayes.lock issue
Ugo Bellavance
- Bayes: Worth it?
Christian Campbell
- Bayes: Worth it?
Skylar Thompson
- Bayes: Worth it?
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes: Worth it?
Christian Campbell
- Bayes: Worth it?
Julian Field
- Bayes: Worth it?
Martin Hepworth
- Bayes: Worth it?
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- Bayes: Worth it?
Koen Teugels
- Bayes: Worth it?
Christian Campbell
- Bayes: Worth it?
Julian Field
- Bayes: Worth it?
Derek Winkler
- best MailScanner configuration?
Fractal IT Dept.
- best MailScanner configuration?
Peter Bonivart
- best MailScanner configuration?
Matt Kettler
- best MailScanner configuration?
Steve Swaney
- best MailScanner configuration?
Martin Hepworth
- best MailScanner configuration?
Steve Campbell
- best MailScanner configuration?
Fractal IT Dept.
- Bitdefender doesn't seem to do anything but update
Steve Campbell
- Bitdefender doesn't seem to do anything but update
Matt Kettler
- Bitdefender doesn't seem to do anything but update
Steve Campbell
- Bitdefender doesn't seem to do anything but update
Julian Field
- Block mail by subject content
[iso-8859-1] José Angel Blanco González
- Block mail by subject content
Mike Kercher
- Block mail by subject content
James Gray
- Block mail by subject content with MCP
[iso-8859-1] José Angel Blanco González
- Block mail by subject content with MCP
Steen, Glenn
- Block mail by subject content with MCP
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Block mail by subject content with MCP
Steen, Glenn
- Block outgoing bcc
- Block outgoing bcc
Julian Field
- Blocked filename issues
Chris Trudeau
- Blocked filename issues
Julian Field
- Child Processes bumped to 10 works best for me!
Brian Lewis
- ClamAV Perl module not found
Chris Trudeau
- ClamAV Perl module not found
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- ClamAV Perl module not found
Mike Kercher
- clamav problem
Montana M
- clamav problem
Peter Bonivart
- Clarification...
Richard Thomas
- Clarification...
Julian Field
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Errol Uriel Neal Jr.
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Errol Neal
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Julian Field
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Errol Neal
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Rose, Bobby
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Julian Field
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Julian Field
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- Classes of service using advanced queuing techniques.
Julian Field
- Cleaned up website
Julian Field
- Cleaned up website
- Cleaned up website
Dhawal Doshy
- Configuring MailScanner and Majordomo
Michael H. Martel
- Configuring MailScanner and Majordomo
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Configuring MailScanner and Majordomo
Julian Field
- Configuring MailScanner and Majordomo
Michael H. Martel
- Confused about notices for password-zips
Anders Andersson, IT
- Confused about notices for password-zips
Julian Field
- Confused about notices for password-zips
Anders Andersson, IT
- Confused about notices for password-zips
Julian Field
- copy all emai to 1 address?l
Ian Dobson
- copy all emai to 1 address?l
Julian Field
- Could not parse Outlook Rich Text attachment
Michael H. Martel
- Could not parse Outlook Rich Text attachment
Michael H. Martel
- Could not parse Outlook Rich Text attachment
Julian Field
- Couldn't resolve host ?
Ryan Pitt
- Couldn't resolve host ?
Martin Hepworth
- Couldn't resolve host ?
Steve Swaney
- Couldn't resolve host ?
Randal, Phil
- Couldn't resolve host ?
Ryan Pitt
- Dangerous attachment according to Microsoft Q883260
Stewart Ives
- Dangerous attachment according to Microsoft Q883260
Leonard Hermens
- Debian Bayes starter database available
Steve Swaney
- Debian Bayes starter database available
sebastian g. ruchti
- Debian sendmail start script
Steve Swaney
- Debian sendmail start script
Scott Silva
- Debian sendmail start script
Dominik L. Borkowski
- Definitely Spam problem
Juan Pablo Abuyeres
- Definitely Spam problem
Drew Marshall
- Definitely Spam problem
Juan Pablo Abuyeres
- divert email, like archive, possible?
Jeff A. Earickson
- divert email, like archive, possible?
Denis Beauchemin
- divert email, like archive, possible?
Jeff A. Earickson
- divert email, like archive, possible?
Peter Bonivart
- Double Extension Permission
Thom Paine
- Double Extension Permission
Ed Bruce
- Double Extension Permission
Julian Field
- Double Extension Permission
Thom Paine
- Double Extension Permission
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- Double Extension Permission
Ed Bruce
- Double Extension Permission
Steve Swaney
- Double Extension Permission
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- Double Extension Permission
Lindsay Snider
- Double Extension Permission
Julian Field
- Double Extension Permission
Anders Andersson, IT
- Double Extension Permission
Julian Field
- Double Extension Permission
Anders Andersson, IT
- Double Extension Permission
Jeff A. Earickson
- Double Extension Permission
Randal, Phil
- Double Extension Permission
Ugo Bellavance
- Double Extension Permission
Julian Field
- Double Extension Permission
Anders Andersson, IT
- Double Extension Permission
Julian Field
- Double Extension Permission
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Duplicate emails (STILL OCCURING) - same smtp id processed by
different MS processes.
Quentin Campbell
- Duplicate emails (STILL OCCURING) - same smtp id processed by
different MS processes.
Julian Field
- Duplicate emails (STILL OCCURING) - same smtp id processed by
different MS processes.
Giulio Cervera
- Duplicate emails (STILL OCCURING) - same smtp id processed by
different MS processes.
Quentin Campbell
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Jeff Falgout
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Martin Hepworth
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Julian Field
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Jeff Falgout
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Jeff Falgout
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Julian Field
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Jeff Falgout
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Alan Dobkin
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Quentin Campbell
- Duplicate emails - same smtp id processed by different MS
Scott Silva
- Duplicate Messages after releasing from quarantaine.
Christiaan den Besten
- Email Forwarding
Jon D.
- Email Forwarding
Julian Field
- error building ClamAV module
Mark Nienberg
- error building ClamAV module
Julian Field
- error building ClamAV module
Mark Nienberg
- EXE In Zip FIles
Stephen Conway
- EXE In Zip FIles
James Gray
- EXE In Zip FIles
Ugo Bellavance
- EXE In Zip FIles
Julian Field
- EXE In Zip FIles
Stephen Conway
- EXE In Zip FIles
Julian Field
- Feature Request - Phishing Modify Subject and Phishing Actions
- Any comments?
Julian Field
- Feature Request - Phishing Modify Subject and Phishing Actions
- Any comments?
Jeff A. Earickson
- Feature Request - Phishing Modify Subject and Phishing Actions
- Any comments?
Julian Field
- Feature Request - Phishing Modify Subject and Phishing Actions -
Any comments?
Pentland G.
- fetching e-mails to local server
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- File Name and Rules inside archives
Rick Cooper
- File Name and Rules inside archives
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- file sizes and scanning
Kevin Miller
- file sizes and scanning
Denis Beauchemin
- file sizes and scanning
Julian Field
- file sizes and scanning
Kevin Miller
- filename.rules.conf
- filename.rules.conf
Matt Kettler
- freshclam
Christian Campbell
- freshclam
Steen, Glenn
- freshclam
shrek-m at
- freshclam
John Hinton
- Freshclam Location
Errol Uriel Neal Jr.
- Freshclam Location
Mike McMullen
- Freshclam Location
shrek-m at
- Freshclam Location
Julian Field
- Freshclam Location
- Freshclam Location
Julian Field
- FW: [Razor-users] Announce: razor-agents 2.67
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- FW: EXE In Zip FIles
Stephen Conway
- FW: EXE In Zip FIles
- FW: EXE In Zip FIles
Rick Cooper
- FW: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 is released!
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Fwd: Re: Re: Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Martin Wozenilek
- FYI: [Razor-users] Announce: razor-agents 2.66
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Getting stuck when starting MS
Michael Freeman
- Getting stuck when starting MS
Ugo Bellavance
- Google Suggest
Julian Field
- Google Suggest
Martin Hepworth
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Michael Freeman
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Steve Swaney
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Peter Bonivart
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Matt Kettler
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Michael Freeman
- Header infomration appearing in body of emails
Peter Bonivart
- Help installing SpamCopURI
Michael St. Laurent
- Help installing SpamCopURI
Denis Beauchemin
- Help installing SpamCopURI
Michael St. Laurent
- Help. When a email is found on a blacklist,
is the email checked for viruses?
Joe Young
- Help. When a email is found on a blacklist,
is the email checked for viruses?
Steen, Glenn
- Help. When a email is found on a blacklist,
is the email checked for viruses?
Julian Field
- Help. When a email is found on a blacklist,
is the email checked for viruses?
Steve Swaney
- Help. When a email is found on a blacklist,
is the email checked for viruses?
Steen, Glenn
- Hiding email addresses
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Hiding email addresses
Fractal IT Dept.
- Hiding email addresses
Scott Silva
- High CPU Utilization
Andrews Carl 448
- High CPU Utilization
Mike Kercher
- High CPU Utilization
Andrews Carl 448
- High CPU Utilization
Martin Hepworth
- High CPU Utilization
Howard Robinson
- High CPU Utilization
Brian Parish
- High CPU Utilization
Roger Jochem
- High CPU Utilization
Marco Benton - BOFH
- High CPU Utilization
Andrews Carl 448
- High CPU Utilization
Andrews Carl 448
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Andy Norris
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Ugo Bellavance
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Andy Norris
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Ugo Bellavance
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Martin Hepworth
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Andy Norris
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Andy Norris
- High Scoring Spam Actions not firing
Ugo Bellavance
- How do we kill spam to BLOGS on localhost?
Michael Freeman
- How do we kill spam to BLOGS on localhost?
Ugo Bellavance
- How do we kill spam to BLOGS on localhost?
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- How do we kill spam to BLOGS on localhost?
Michael Freeman
- How do we kill spam to BLOGS on localhost?
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- How does one upgrade?
Lance Haig
- How does one upgrade?
Julian Field
- How does one upgrade?
Lance Haig
- How does one upgrade?
Julian Field
- How does one upgrade?
Lance Haig
- How does one upgrade?
Drew Marshall
- How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
Andreas Piper
- How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
Matt Kettler
- How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
Matt Kettler
- How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
Rose, Bobby
- How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
- How to match envelop recipient in SpamAssassin
Kai Wang
- How to match envelop recipient in SpamAssassin
Matt Kettler
- How to test if it is working?
Lance Haig
- How to test if it is working?
Julian Field
- How to test if it is working?
Lance Haig
- How to tune RBL checks and Spam score
Magda Hewryk
- How to tune RBL checks and Spam score
Julian Field
- How to tune RBL checks and Spam score
Magda Hewryk
- How to tune RBL checks and Spam score
Julian Field
- How to tune RBL checks and Spam score
Matt Kettler
- i get this message right after I start mail scanner
David Ballengee
- i get this message right after I start mail scanner
Tim Sailer
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY /ETRN during
connection to MTA
Ken Goods
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Ugo Bellavance
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Peter Bonivart
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Peter Bonivart
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Ugo Bellavance
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Oliver Hookins
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Peter Bonivart
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Steve Hickel
- iBLJa1Gu008596: .. did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection to MTA
Oliver Hookins
- Idiot
Dave Filchak
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF - bug
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Matt Kettler
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Matt Kettler
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF and this list
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF warning
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF warning
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF warning
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF warning
Matt Kettler
- inconsistent SPF warning
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF warning
Matt Kettler
- inconsistent SPF warning
Julian Field
- inconsistent SPF warning
Matt Kettler
- inconsistent SPF warning
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF warning
Mark Nienberg
- inconsistent SPF warning
Adrian Barker
- inconsistent SPF warning
Scott Silva
- inconsistent SPF warning
Matt Kettler
- Increase spaminess for a set of domains
Leonardo Helman
- Individual settings for every user
Stefan Hanauska
- Individual settings for every user
Blacknight Solutions
- Individual settings for every user
Julian Field
- installing again fedora core 2
David Ballengee
- installing again fedora core 2
Ugo Bellavance
- installing again fedora core 2
Steve Hickel
- installing again fedora core 2
Brad Beckenhauer
- installing again fedora core 2
Steve Hickel
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Oliver Hookins
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
James Page
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
David Ballengee
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
David Ballengee
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Martin Hepworth
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Scott Silva
- just installed MailScanner 4.36 on Fedora core 2
Gerry Doris
- Kaspersky
Paul Houselander - SME
- Kaspersky
Julian Field
- Keep viruses out of spam quarantine
Julian Field
- LogWatch being marked as spam
Mike Pelley
- LogWatch being marked as spam
shrek-m at
- LogWatch being marked as spam
Drew Marshall
- Mail Archive
Montana M
- Mail Archive
Julian Field
- Mail Archive
Montana M
- Mail not moving from /var/spool/ to /var/spool/mqueue
Derek Catanzaro
- Mail not moving from /var/spool/ to /var/spool/mqueue
Steve Campbell
- Mail Server problems
Dave Filchak
- Mail Server problems
Koen Teugels
- Mail Server problems
Dave Filchak
- Mail Server problems
Kevin Miller
- Mail Server problems
Dave Filchak
- MailScanner and Gentoo
Mike McMullen
- MailScanner and Gentoo
Wess Bechard
- MailScanner and Gentoo
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- MailScanner and Gentoo
Ugo Bellavance
- Mailscanner and Panda-wrapper.
Andreas Svensson
- MailScanner and QMail
Philipp Bundschuh
- MailScanner and QMail
Dhawal Doshy
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Remco Barendse
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Steen, Glenn
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
John Wilcock
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Steen, Glenn
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Steen, Glenn
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Steen, Glenn
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Marco Benton - BOFH
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Marco Benton - BOFH
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Mark Nienberg
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Julian Field
- MailScanner ANNOUNCE beta 4.37.6
Julian Field
- MailScanner Error
Derek Winkler
- MailScanner Error
Julian Field
- MailScanner Error
Derek Winkler
- MailScanner Error
Julian Field
- MailScanner Error
Martin Hepworth
- Mailscanner virus errors
Koen Teugels
- Mailscanner virus errors
Koen Teugels
- Mailscanner virus errors
shrek-m at
- Mailscanner virus errors
Koen Teugels
- MailScanner, Spamassassin & Clam on Centos/Whitebox
Denis Croombs
- MailScanner, Spamassassin & Clam on Centos/Whitebox
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- MailScanner.conf and spam.assassin.prefs.conf on upgrade
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner.conf and spam.assassin.prefs.conf on upgrade
Julian Field
- MailScanner.conf and spam.assassin.prefs.conf on upgrade
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner.conf and spam.assassin.prefs.conf on upgrade
Julian Field
- MailScanner.conf and spam.assassin.prefs.conf on upgrade
Martin Hepworth
- MailScanner/Spamassassin/ClamAV + RelayDB (OpenBSD)
Peter Verhagen
- MailScanner/Spamassassin/ClamAV + RelayDB (OpenBSD)
Julian Field
- MailScanner/Spamassassin/ClamAV + RelayDB (OpenBSD)
Peter Verhagen
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Julian Field
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Alan Dobkin
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Julian Field
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Leonardo Helman
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Alan Dobkin
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Leonardo Helman
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Julian Field
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Leonardo Helman
- MailScanner: Beta release 4.37.1
Julian Field
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Koen Teugels
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Michael Baird
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Mike Kercher
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Denis Croombs
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Brad Beckenhauer
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Koen Teugels
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Martin Wozenilek
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Harnish, Joe
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Chris Picciotto
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Julian Field
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
James R. Stevens
- Mailserver replacement of exchange
Drew Marshall
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Chris Stone
- Major features?
Drew Marshall
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Leonard Hermens
- Major features?
Ugo Bellavance
- Major features?
Remco Barendse
- Major features?
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Major features?
Jeff A. Earickson
- Major features?
Gerry Doris
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Jeff A. Earickson
- Major features?
Michele Neylon::Blacknight Solutions
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Michele Neylon::Blacknight Solutions
- Major features?
Gerry Doris
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
James Gray
- Major features?
Shortt, Kevin
- Major features?
Ugo Bellavance
- Major features?
- Major features?
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- Major features?
Denis Beauchemin
- Major features?
Kevin Miller
- Major features?
Jeff A. Earickson
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Major features?
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Major features?
Bart E. Hawley Sr.
- Major features?
Julian Field
- Max Children
Richard Thomas
- Measuring spare capacity
- Measuring spare capacity
Martin Hepworth
- Measuring spare capacity
Julian Field
- Measuring spare capacity
Julian Field
- Measuring spare capacity
- Measuring spare capacity
- Measuring spare capacity
Martin Hepworth
- Measuring spare capacity
- Measuring spare capacity
Martin Hepworth
- MIME::tools failed
Rob Shepherd
- MIME::tools failed
Julian Field
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Ugo Bellavance
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Dan Ferreira
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Julian Field
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Drew Marshall
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Ugo Bellavance
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Dan Ferreira
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Jan-Peter Koopmann
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Dan Ferreira
- MIMEDefang's action_bounce()
Steve Swaney
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Venkata Achanta
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Marco Benton - BOFH
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Venkata Achanta
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Venkata Achanta
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Marco Benton
- Mqueue getting huge - MailScanner problem
Brian Lewis
- MS 'doublespacing' messages?
Matt Kehler
- MS 'doublespacing' messages?
Chuck Foster
- MS 'doublespacing' messages?
Matt Kehler
- MS 'doublespacing' messages?
Julian Field
- MS Book
David Jacobson
- MS Book
Julian Field
- MS Book
Scott Silva
- MS Book
Julian Field
- MS Book
Billy Pumphrey
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
S JList
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Martin Hepworth
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Chris Picciotto
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Steve Swaney
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Julian Field
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Chris Picciotto
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Steve Swaney
- MS/SA and DNS load (really: "")?
Martin Hepworth
- Multiple functions called from "Always Looked Up Last"
Joey Trungale
- Multiple functions called from "Always Looked Up Last"
- New challenge : ok_languages allow and disallow per user
Remco Barendse
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Martin Hepworth
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Drew Marshall
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Drew Marshall
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Ugo Bellavance
- new spam variant
Dhawal Doshy
- new spam variant
Dhawal Doshy
- No subject
Shortt, Kevin
- No subject
Dhawal Doshy
- No subject
Christian Campbell
- No subject
Julian Field
- NOD32 integration with MailScanner..
Mike Allen
- NOD32 integration with MailScanner..
Julian Field
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Martin Wozenilek
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Ugo Bellavance
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Martin Wozenilek
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Ugo Bellavance
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
John Lee
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Martin Wozenilek
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Julian Field
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Martin Wozenilek
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Julian Field
- Norman (nvcc) does not scan
Julian Field
- Off Topic
Roger Jochem
- Off Topic
Joseph Watson
- Off Topic
Roger Jochem
- Off Topic
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Off Topic
Martin Hepworth
- Off Topic
Ryan Pitt
- Off Topic
Dustin Baer
- Off Topic
Roger Jochem
- Off Topic
Dhawal Doshy
- Off Topic
Joe Smith
- Off Topic
Anders Andersson, IT
- Off Topic
Dustin Baer
- Off Topic
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Off Topic
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Off Topic
Dave Filchak
- Off Topic
Roger Jochem
- Off Topic
Terran Wright
- Off Topic
Scott Silva
- Off Topic
Dave Filchak
- Off Topic - or..some Holiday Greetings
Marcel Blenkers
- Off Topic - or..some Holiday Greetings
Julian Field
- Off Topic - or..some Holiday Greetings
Drew Marshall
- Off Topic - or..some Holiday Greetings
Leonardo Helman
- Off Topic - or..some Holiday Greetings
Evert Jan van Ramselaar
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Julian Field
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Drew Marshall
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Randal, Phil
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Denis Beauchemin
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Scott Silva
- Offtopic - Mail Size limits
Scott Silva
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Paul Houselander - SME
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Julian Field
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Mark Spieth
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Dhawal Doshy
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Pentland G.
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Chris Stone
- Only allow mail from 1 server
Steen, Glenn
- OT : Mailing list etiquette / RTFM
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- OT : Mailing list etiquette / RTFM
Marco Benton - BOFH
- OT : Mailing list etiquette / RTFM
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- OT: Hiding email addresses
Christian Campbell
- OT: Hiding email addresses
Mark Nienberg
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Derek Catanzaro
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Ken A
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Matthew Bowman
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Derek Catanzaro
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Denis Beauchemin
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Drew Marshall
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
Matt Montes
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with
John Rudd
- OT: Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/procmail) exited with EX
Kevin Miller
- OT: fetching e-mails to local server
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- OT: fetching e-mails to local server
Brian Parish
- OT: fetching e-mails to local server
Thom Paine
- OT: fetching e-mails to local server
[ISO-8859-2] Marcin Ro¿ek
- OT: SPF comments requested
Steve Campbell
- OT: SPF comments requested
Mark Nienberg
- OT: SPF comments requested
Mark Nienberg
- Outlook Mails - MIME::QuotedPrint version 3.03
Ulrich Schneider
- Outlook Mails - MIME::QuotedPrint version 3.03
Julian Field
- Outlook Mails - MIME::QuotedPrint version 3.03
Ulrich Schneider
- outlook meeting requests?
Errol Uriel Neal Jr.
- outlook meeting requests?
Fractal IT Dept.
- outlook meeting requests?
Chris Picciotto
- Persistent spam - suggestions welcome
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Persistent spam - suggestions welcome
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- Persistent spam - suggestions welcome
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Phishing net improvement - ignore email addrs
Julian Field
- Phishing net improvement - ignore email addrs
Michael H. Martel
- Phishing net improvement - ignore email addrs
Julian Field
- phishkill: skip mailto stuff?
Jeff A. Earickson
- phishkill: skip mailto stuff?
Julian Field
- phishkill: skip mailto stuff?
Julian Field
- phising question
Jason Williams
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Martin Hepworth
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Julian Field
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Rodney Green
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Richard Bourque
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Steen, Glenn
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Julian Field
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Julian Field
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Steen, Glenn
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Steen, Glenn
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Ugo Bellavance
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Julian Field
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Drew Marshall
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
- Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
Julian Field
- Postfix, mailwatch and queue IDs (and of course mailscanner:-)
Steen, Glenn
- Postfix, mailwatch and queue IDs (and of course mailscanner:-)
Julian Field
- Postfix, mailwatch and queue IDs (and of course mailscanner:-)
Steen, Glenn
- Postfix, mailwatch and queue IDs (and of course mailscanner:-)
Julian Field
- Postfix, mailwatch and queue IDs (and of course mailscanner:-)
Steen, Glenn
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Oliver Hookins
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Mike Kercher
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
James Page
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Martin Hepworth
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Oliver Hookins
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Oliver Hookins
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Julian Field
- Problem after installing SpamAssassin on MailScanner
Oliver Hookins
- Problem posting to list
Mark Nienberg
- Problem posting to list
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Problem Receiving Mails
- Problem Receiving Mails
Ugo Bellavance
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Julian Field
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Julian Field
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Julian Field
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Julian Field
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Ed Bruce
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
- Problem with filename ruleset for "Remove These Headers"
Julian Field
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Dan Hollis
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Peter Bonivart
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Dan Hollis
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Matt Kettler
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Dan Hollis
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Peter Bonivart
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Dan Hollis
- problems with "very long filename" rule?
Julian Field
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Martin Hepworth
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Steve Swaney
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Chris Sweeney
- Problems with SpamAssassin 3.0.1 timing out
Paul Welsh
- procmailrc question
- procmailrc question
Marcel Blenkers
- procmailrc question
Shortt, Kevin
- Quarantine Report - Remarks..
Marcel Blenkers
- Quarantine Report - Remarks..
Marcel Blenkers
- Quarantine Report Cron Job Script
Marcel Blenkers
- Quarantine specific file types/extensions to email address
Steven Evans
- Quarantine specific file types/extensions to email address
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- quarantined message
Mark Spieth
- quarantined message
David Jacobson
- quarantined message
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Rodney Green
- Quarantined messages
Steen, Glenn
- Quarantined messages
Tracy Greggs
- Question - Filtering EXEs, but not in zip files?
Daniel Whelan
- Question - Filtering EXEs, but not in zip files?
Matt Kettler
- Question - Filtering EXEs, but not in zip files?
Julian Field
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Julian Field
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Marcel Blenkers
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Steen, Glenn
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Marcel Blenkers
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Steve Swaney
- Question about QuarantineReport-Script and MS
Marcel Blenkers
- Queue file corruption with MS + postfix +debian
Bento Loewenstein
- Rant part deux
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Rant part deux
Ed Bruce
- Rant part deux
Howard Robinson
- Rant part deux
Mike Kercher
- Rant part deux
Scott Silva
- Rant part deux
Mike Kercher
- Receiving other people's mail
Rodney Green
- Receiving other people's mail
Richard Thomas
- Receiving other people's mail
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Receiving other people's mail
Julian Field
- Receiving other people's mail
Rodney Green
- Receiving other people's mail
Adri Koppes
- Receiving other people's mail
Rodney Green
- Receiving other people's mail
Richard Thomas
- Red Hat up2date can stop email on name servers
Steve Swaney
- Red Hat up2date can stop email on name servers
Denis Beauchemin
- Red Hat up2date can stop email on name servers
Steve Swaney
- Red Hat up2date can stop email on name servers
Dave Filchak
- Rejecting unknown Users
Holger Banko
- Rejecting unknown Users
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Rejecting unknown Users
[ISO-8859-15] David Höhn
- Rule to block spoofed email
- Rule to block spoofed email
Steen, Glenn
- Rule to block spoofed email
- Rule to block spoofed email
Drew Marshall
- Rule to block spoofed email
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Rules
Jose Julian Buda
- Rules
Julian Field
- Rules
Jose Julian Buda
- Rules
Jose Julian Buda
- Rules Du Jour
Sanjay K. Patel
- Rules Du Jour
Blacknight Solutions
- Rules Du Jour
Steve Swaney
- Rules Du Jour
Sanjay K. Patel
- Rules Du Jour
Blacknight Solutions
- RulesDuJour Questions
- RulesDuJour Questions
Steve Swaney
- RulesDuJour Questions
Martin Hepworth
- RulesDuJour Questions
- RulesDuJour Questions
- RulesDuJour Questions
Martin Hepworth
- RulesDuJour Questions
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- RulesDuJour Questions
Marcel Blenkers
- SA 3.0 giving errors
Lance Haig
- SA 3.0 giving errors
Steve Swaney
- SA 3.0 giving errors
Marco Benton
- SA autowhitelisting revisited
Kevin Miller
- SA autowhitelisting revisited
Matt Kettler
- SA-Learn Question
Paul Houselander - SME
- SA/MS Testing
Rodney Green
- SA/MS Testing
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- SA/MS Testing
Rodney Green
- SA/MS Testing
Steen, Glenn
- SA/MS Testing
Martin Hepworth
- SA/MS Testing
Rodney Green
- Scanning Order
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Scanning Order
Julian Field
- Scanning Order
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Julian Field
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Peter Verhagen
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Julian Field
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Julian Field
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
shrek-m at
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Julian Field
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Chris Picciotto
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Chris Picciotto
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
shrek-m at
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Drew Marshall
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Steen, Glenn
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
shrek-m at
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Dhawal Doshy
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Steen, Glenn
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
shrek-m at
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Dhawal Doshy
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Richard Siddall
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Steen, Glenn
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Leonardo Helman
- Search for list archive -- ideas?
Chris Picciotto
- send all virus messages to one account
Harondel J. Sibble
- send all virus messages to one account
Julian Field
- send all virus messages to one account
Harondel J. Sibble
- send all virus messages to one account
Julian Field
- send all virus messages to one account
Marcel Blenkers
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
James Gray
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Andy Moran
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Andy Moran
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Julian Field
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Andy Moran
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Julian Field
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a
specific address
Andy Moran
- Sending bounce/notification messages for spam going to a specific
Andy Moran
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Andy Norris
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Peter Bonivart
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Andy Norris
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Julian Field
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Ugo Bellavance
- Sendmail & SpamAssassin at startup
Scott Silva
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Andy Norris
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Denis Beauchemin
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Andy Norris
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Peter Bonivart
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Denis Beauchemin
- sendmail / spamassassin services
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Andy Norris
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Marcel Blenkers
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- sendmail / spamassassin services
Peter Bonivart
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Richard Thomas
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Martin Hepworth
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Alex Pimperton
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Richard Thomas
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Richard Thomas
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Richard Thomas
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Richard Thomas
- Serious problems running Mailscanner
Alex Pimperton
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Errol Neal
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Peter Bonivart
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Rose, Bobby
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Rose, Bobby
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Kevin Miller
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Martin Hepworth
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Errol Neal
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Steen, Glenn
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Steve Swaney
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Ken Goods
- Share real email addresses between MailScanner and Exchange
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- signed message corruption
Chuck Foster
- signed message corruption
Denis Beauchemin
- Solved: Re: Freshclam Location
Mike McMullen
- Some Attachments corrupt when enable Dangerous Content
- Some Attachments corrupt when enable Dangerous Content
Steen, Glenn
- Some Problems with MS
- Some Problems with MS
Julian Field
- Some Problems with MS
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Some Problems with MS
- Some subjects not modified
Leonardo Helman
- Some subjects not modified
Leonardo Helman
- spam still getting through
- spam still getting through
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- spam still getting through
- spam still getting through
Steen, Glenn
- spam still getting through
Martin Hepworth
- spamassassin
- spamassassin
Martin Hepworth
- SpamAssassin preferences for every domain
Felix Schwarz
- SpamAssassin preferences for every domain
- SpamAssassin preferences for every domain
Julian Field
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
Andy Norris
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
Matt Kettler
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
Scott Silva
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
Ugo Bellavance
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
James Gray
- SpamAssassin Rules Collection
Martin Hepworth
- SpamAssassin slowing down scans
Anakin SkyWalker
- SpamAssassin slowing down scans
Mike Kercher
- Spamassassin Timeouts
Sebastian G. Ruchti
- Spamassassin Timeouts
Steen, Glenn
- Spamassassin Timeouts
Steve Swaney
- Spamassassin Timeouts
Matt Kettler
- Spamassassin Timeouts
sebastian g. ruchti
- Spamassassin upgrade
Christian Campbell
- Spamassassin upgrade
Martin Hepworth
- Spamassassin upgrade
Julian Field
- Spamassassin upgrade
Christian Campbell
- Spamassassin upgrade
Julian Field
- Spamassassin upgrade
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Stop out-bound scanning?
Brendan Chard
- Stop out-bound scanning?
Julian Field
- Stop out-bound scanning?
Alex Neuman van der Hans
- Stop out-bound scanning? (Nevermind)
Brendan Chard
- Stop out-bound scanning? (Nevermind)
Ugo Bellavance
- Stop postmaster emails
Stuart Clark
- Stop postmaster emails
Raymond Dijkxhoorn
- Stop postmaster emails
shrek-m at
- store function
Vlad Mazek
- store function
Blacknight Solutions
- store function
Vlad Mazek
- store function
Julian Field
- Strange filename construct being blocked?
[UTF-8] David Höhn
- Strange filename construct being blocked?
Julian Field
- Strange. No messages today.
John P. Lang
- STRIPHTML CSS and Script problem
Tony Johansson
- Subject not modified
Ugo Bellavance
- suse 9.2
[iso-8859-1] Dörfler Andreas
- suse 9.2
- SV: How to test if it is working?
Jonas Back
- SV: How to test if it is working?
Lance Haig
- SV: How to test if it is working?
Julian Field
- SV: How to test if it is working?
Lance Haig
- SV: New Installer questions Sorry :-)
John Berntsen
- SV: New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- SV: Only allow mail from 1 server
John Berntsen
- SV: Postfix and Mailscanner sitting in a tree k-iss-ing
John Berntsen
- SV: SV: New Installer questions Sorry :-)
John Berntsen
- SV: SV: New Installer questions Sorry :-)
Lance Haig
- System capacity
Dave Filchak
- System capacity
Jeff Mills
- System capacity
Peter Bonivart
- System capacity
Vlad Mazek
- System capacity
Peter Bonivart
- System capacity
Dave Filchak
- System capacity
- System capacity
Mike Tremaine
- System capacity
Ugo Bellavance
- System capacity
Vlad Mazek
- System capacity
Martin Hepworth
- System capacity
Marco Benton - BOFH
- System capacity
Dave Filchak
- System capacity
Hirsh, Joshua
- System capacity
Hirsh, Joshua
- System capacity
[ISO-8859-1] David Höhn
- System capacity
Ugo Bellavance
- System capacity
Dave Filchak
- System capacity
Hirsh, Joshua
- System capacity
Scott Silva
- System capacity
Brian Lewis
- tar pit?
- tar pit?
Scott Silva
- tar pit?
Matt Kettler
- The worst Phishing false positive ever?
Pentland G.
- The worst Phishing false positive ever?
Randal, Phil
- Think I fixed it
Richard Thomas
- Threded perl and mailwatch
Clas Mayer
- Threded perl and mailwatch
- Tweak to for Debian distro's and CustomFunctions.
James A. Pattie
- update_virus_scanners not working
Montana M
- update_virus_scanners not working
shrek-m at
- update_virus_scanners not working
Montana M
- Using MailScanner to quarantine large files
James Page
- Using MailScanner to quarantine large files
Steve Swaney
- Using rbl lists
Paul Welsh
- Using rbl lists
Julian Field
- Using rbl lists
Drew Marshall
- Using rbl lists
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions
- Using rbl lists
Chris Picciotto
- Using rbl lists
- Van MS scan for spam in other languages?
Lance Haig
- Van MS scan for spam in other languages?
Steen, Glenn
- Van MS scan for spam in other languages?
Lance Haig
- Van MS scan for spam in other languages?
Ugo Bellavance
- Van MS scan for spam in other languages?
Adri Koppes
- virtusertable...
Rob Poe
- Virus Scanners!
- Virus Scanners!
Julian Field
- Virus Scanners!
- Virus Scanners!
Marcel Blenkers
- Virus Scanners!
Mark Nienberg
- Virus Scanners!
Scott Silva
- virus scanning quarantine spam (MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2)
Chuck Foster
- virus scanning quarantine spam (MailScanner ANNOUNCE 4.37.2)
Julian Field
- Vispan - updated..
Marcel Blenkers
- Vispan - updated..
Randal, Phil
- Vispan - updated..
David While
- Weird Problems trying to start MailScanner for first time
Gary Alexander
- Weird Problems trying to start MailScanner for first time
Martin Hepworth
- Weird Problems trying to start MailScanner for first time
Gary Alexander
- Weird Problems trying to start MailScanner for first time
Martin Hepworth
- Weird Problems trying to start MailScanner for first time
Gary Alexander
- What's the best web config GUI for a mailscanner server
Koen Teugels
- What's the best web config GUI for a mailscanner server
Drew Marshall
- Whitelist / blacklist interactions question
Quentin Campbell
- Whitelist / blacklist interactions question
Martin Sapsed
- Whitelist / blacklist interactions question
Quentin Campbell
- Whitelist / blacklist interactions question
Denis Beauchemin
- Whitelist / blacklist interactions question
Martin Sapsed
- Win32::TieRegistry module
Steve Campbell
- Win32::TieRegistry module
Denis Croombs
- Win32::TieRegistry module
Steve Campbell
- Win32::TieRegistry module
Denis Croombs
- Would it be a good idea to learn viruses as spam?
John Wilcock
- Would it be a good idea to learn viruses as spam?
Ugo Bellavance
- wrong "message/partial",
was: How to block delivery of MAILER-DAEMON (<>) messages?
Andreas Piper
- X-MailScanner-From header not passed to SpamAssassin?
- X-MailScanner-From header not passed to SpamAssassin?
Martin Hepworth
- X-MailScanner-From header not passed to SpamAssassin?
Mark Nienberg
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
Adri Koppes
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
Adri Koppes
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
Julian Field
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
Adri Koppes
- ZIP file attachments passing through MS 4.35.9 unscanned
Julian Field
- Zombies spawning out of control
Michael Freeman
- {Scanned} Re: Virus is slipping through mailscanner
Koen Teugels
- {Scanned} Virus is slipping through mailscanner
Koen Teugels
- {Scanned} Virus is slipping through mailscanner
Mark Nienberg
- {Virus} new phishing (fwd)
Marcel Blenkers
- {Virus} new phishing (fwd)
Joakim Cefalk
- {Virus} new phishing (fwd)
Peter Peters
- {Virus} new phishing (fwd)
Julian Field
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 23:44:19 IST 2004
Archived on: Thu Jan 12 21:38:56 IST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).