adding custom spam headers

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Dec 17 20:12:16 GMT 2004

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In MailScanner.conf, set
       Spam Header = X-Spam-Status:
       Detailed Spam Report = no
And in /etc/MailScanner/reports/en/languages.conf, set
       Spam = YES
and you should be able to get the header you want.

Dominik L. Borkowski wrote:

>Recently we integrated our existing spamassassin installation with
>mailscanner. One thing that is causing us a headache is the fact that
>previously with SA we had by default an extra header added to all e-mails
>marked as spam:
>X-Spam-Status: YES
>Now, looking through all the docs I could not find a way how to add that
>header to e-mails flagged as spam by SA+mailscanner. Even adding custom rules
>in spam.assassin.prefs.conf doesn't work.
>I guess my question is: is there any way to add that extra header? This would
>be less time consuming than changing our users' filters.
>any hints would be greatly appreciated,
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Julian Field
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