MIME::tools failed
Julian Field
mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Dec 17 19:24:25 GMT 2004
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There have since been newer versions released, which you should use with
new versions of MailScanner. The tar distribution of MailScanner
includes all the parts, which you should install by running ./install.sh
from within the unpacked distribution directory.
I must update the docs some time, maybe that's a job for Christmas. I've
got some work to do on the book as well, to add docs for the latest
features to keep it up to date.
Rob Shepherd wrote:
> Trying to install the patched version of MIME-tools-5.411 from
> http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/files/modules/MIME-tools-5.411-patched.tar.gz
> on Solaris 9, perl 5.8.2
> Some Misc tests fail.
> the following is the contents of testout/Misc.tlog
> ------------------------------------------
> 1..7
> 1: bug 971008-MWN: are MIME attributes parsed ok?
> 1: A: "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"
> 1: B: "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"
> 1: ok 1
> 2: bug 970822-AL: Mail::Field register problem (paramstr)
> 2: A: "text/HTML"
> 2: B: "text/HTML"
> 2: ok 2
> 3: bug 970822-AL: Mail::Field register problem (type)
> 3: A: "text/html"
> 3: B: "text/html"
> 3: ok 3
> 4: bug 970725-DNA: QP use of RFC2049 guideline 8
> 4: A: "=46rom me=\n"
> 4: B: "=46rom me"
> 4: not ok 4
> 5: bug 970725-DNA: QP use of RFC2049 guideline 8
> 5: A: ".=\n"
> 5: B: "=2E"
> 5: not ok 5
> 6: bug 970725-DNA: QP use of RFC2049 guideline 8
> 6: A: " From you=\n"
> 6: B: " From you"
> 6: not ok 6
> 7: bug 970626-TS: header get_all() case problem fixed?
> 7: A: "4"
> 7: B: "4"
> 7: ok 7
> -----------------------------------------
> As you can see some minor errors. Does anybody know what is wrong?
> I am no perl expert.
> Many thanks
> Rob
Julian Field
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