Rant part deux

Howard Robinson Howard at HARPER-ADAMS.AC.UK
Tue Dec 14 15:08:25 GMT 2004

May be it was dropped on him/her without adequate training and as
part of an over long job list which is added too faster than jobs get
completed - meaning that some jobs 'less important' to the
company, get left?
I know that's how I got it here with more jobs than I can cope with
Not everyone has dedicated email admin staff.
Off to make the tea and sweet the floor now and, whilst the kettles
boiling, set up an MS server. Okay I am jesting but some days it
feels like that!
Day off tomorrow - Helping Santa - Really

In same boat as below and sinking!

> Who says we think that. I know I'm not qualified but I'm all there be. I
> am what I am.
> Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions wrote:
Snipped rest


Howard Robinson
(Senior Technical Development Officer)
Harper Adams University College

E-mail: hrobinson at harper-adams.ac.uk
Tel.  : +44(0)1952 820280 Via switchboard
      : +44(0)1952 815253 Direct line
Fax.  : +44(0)1952 814783
College Web site http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk

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