High Scoring Spam Actions not firing

Andy Norris andy at TIRESWING.NET
Wed Dec 1 22:04:17 GMT 2004

Hi Ugo,

High Scoring Spam Modify Subject = yes
High Scoring Spam Subject Text = [SPAM:_SCORE_]
High SpamAssassin Score = 9
High Scoring Spam Actions = forward spamgreylist at tireswing.net

And, to answer your other question... No. No I'm not sure spamassassin
isn't running on its own as well. We've not had this kind of behavior before.

Thanks Ugo,


At 03:22 pm 2004-12-01, you wrote:
>Andy Norris wrote:
>>I upgraded MailScanner several days ago (to previous version), and since,
>>it seems my high scoring actions are not firing. I have spam scoring higher
>>than 10 going to another address (spamgreylist at ...) and nothing is going
>>there. Everyone is getting all the spam that's coming to them... Just
>>marked with the report...
>>Anything I should look at first?
>>The header report is included... clearly high scoring!
>Please show us relevant entries in MailScanner.conf
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