Mailscanner 5.0.6-4 ant port 25 not listening

Marek Górny marek.gorny at
Mon Sep 4 10:29:05 UTC 2017

I have a MailScanner 5.0.6-4 with postfix 3.2.0 on OpenSUSE Leap 42.3
Problem is when I disable postfix service and run mailscanner service then port 25 not listening (telnet localhost 25 Connection refused)
I have to start postfix service (systemctl start postfix.service) to listen on port 25.
What i've done wrong, I may have missed something?

Steps I took:

1. Install OpenSUSE Leap 42.3 (with postfix 42.3)
2. Install MailScanner 5.0.6-4 using with all defaults
3. Enable MailScanner (/etc/MailScanner/defaults)
4. Disable postfix (systemctl disable postfix.service)
5. Enable MailScanner (systemctl enable mailscanner.service and systemctl start mailscanner.service)

systemctl status mailscanner.service
¡ñ mailscanner.service - LSB: MailScanner daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/MailScanner/init/ms-init; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-09-04 12:01:42 CEST; 24min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 18503 ExecStop=/usr/lib/MailScanner/init/ms-init stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 18611 ExecStart=/usr/lib/MailScanner/init/ms-init start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 512)
   CGroup: /system.slice/mailscanner.service
           ©À©¤19125 MailScanner: master process sleeping
           ©À©¤19126 MailScanner: waiting for messages
           ©À©¤19130 MailScanner: waiting for messages
           ©À©¤19131 MailScanner: waiting for messages
           ©À©¤19132 MailScanner: waiting for messages
           ©¸©¤19134 MailScanner: waiting for messages

MailScanner --lint
Trying to setlogsock(unix)

Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/conf.d/README
Read 1501 hostnames from the phishing whitelist
Read 12428 hostnames from the phishing blacklists

Checking version numbers...
Version number in MailScanner.conf (5.0.6) is correct.

Your envelope_sender_header in spamassassin.conf is correct.
MailScanner setting GID to  (51)
MailScanner setting UID to  (51)

Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...
Using SpamAssassin results cache
Connected to SpamAssassin cache database
SpamAssassin reported no errors.
Connected to Processing Attempts Database
Created Processing Attempts Database successfully
There are 0 messages in the Processing Attempts Database
Using locktype = posix
MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = f-secure clamav"
Found these virus scanners installed: f-secure, clamavmodule, clamd
Filename Checks: Windows/DOS Executable (1
Other Checks: Found 1 problems
Virus and Content Scanning: Starting

If any of your virus scanners (f-secure,clamavmodule,clamd)
are not listed there, you should check that they are installed correctly
and that MailScanner is finding them correctly via its virus.scanners.conf.



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