I'm needing a bit of help please.

Kieron Gray kieron at thewestwing.co.nz
Mon May 20 21:11:00 UTC 2024

Thanks Shawn … That seems better but I never altered that setting before.

It was set to   deliver header "X-Spam-Status: No”

Ok to just change this to just Non Spam Actions = store deliver  ?


> On 20/05/2024, at 10:49 PM, Shawn Iverson via MailScanner <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info> wrote:
> On 5/20/24 05:06, Kieron Gray wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m using 
>> ConfigServer MailScanner Front-End v9.25
>> and suddenly, for both  No Scan and Clean options, the Content area simply states 'Message not found in quarantine’
>> The content of the email is visible in Low Spam, High Spam and Blacklist as normal.
>> All email is getting through as normal. 
>> What have I done …. Ive used Mailscanner for many years.
>> Best Regards
>> Kieron Gray
>> kieron at thewestwing.co.nz <mailto:kieron at thewestwing.co.nz>
> If it isn't some issue with the frontend you are using, you may want to check your MailScanner.conf or conf.d files and make sure that "Non Spam Actions" includes the verb "store."
> Non Spam Actions = store deliver ...
> -- 
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