How do you people handle spam from Google lists etc?

George Papamichelakis gpapamichelakis at
Fri Apr 12 08:33:29 UTC 2019

Hi all ,

I'm sure I'm not the only one  here that gets spammed from google 
servers , I receive

messages that in from line apears something like this :

azovwave+bncbd3orshfrylbb36yx3sqkgqegq7g4ga at
azovwave+bncbd3orshfrylbbiwjqxsakgqev4lqfzy at
azovwave2+bncbd3orshfrylbbno2x3sqkgqei4erkja at
azovwave12+bncbd3orshfrylbbuwzx3sqkgqeecgxwwi at

the address of course is different or changes every now and then, as you 
can see in the first pair

and the only common clue  I can find, is in the headers  which is the 
only reference to the real spammer :

X-Original-Sender: arwad at

A rule from inside mailscanner seems impossible to catch such spammers , 
so how do you

people get by from these without blocking google email servers ? you 
work your way in local spamassassin rules ?

is there some thing  in the setup of mailscanner that I have overlooked ?

Thanks in advance

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