Restarts [Was: Re: About compress file.]

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at
Tue Mar 7 00:24:55 UTC 2017

On Tuesday 07 March 2017 at 00:05:03, Paul Scott wrote:

> I was wondering what the best and accepted method of restarting mailscanner
> and sendmail are?

How do you start them to begin with?

Are you using standard init, or are you using systemd?

What are your startup scripts (one for both MailScanner and Sendmail, or two 
separate scripts)?

> Whenever I start mailscanner by itself, or sendmail by itself, the scanning
> system goes haywire,

Please define "haywire".

> and I have to restart the system in order to get everything working again.

What do you see when you restart the system - does MailScanner start first, or 
does Sendmail start first?


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