About compress file.

Paul Scott sales at edenusa.com
Mon Mar 6 23:05:03 UTC 2017

I was wondering what the best and accepted method of restarting mailscanner and sendmail are?

Whenever I start mailscanner by itself, or sendmail by itself, the scanning system goes haywire, and I have to restart the system in order to get everything working again.

Thank you very much!


Paul Scott, Engineer
Eden USA, Incorporated
Event Production Services Since 1995
Los Angeles-Las Vegas-New York
sales at edenusa.com OR edenusasales at gmail.com
Telephone(s): 866.501.3336 OR 951.505.6967
Fax: 866.502.3336 

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-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner [mailto:mailscanner-bounces+sales=edenusa.com at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Mark Sapiro
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:55 PM
To: mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
Subject: Re: About compress file.

On 02/24/2017 09:37 PM, 李政璋 wrote:
> I compress a execution file. like abc.exe > abc.zip or any compress 
> (rar gz 7z gzip bzip)
> I want abc.zip can be passed but deny abc.exe .

With any MailScanner since 4.76.1 this should be the default behavior.
.zip, .gz, .tgz, .Z and .bz2 are all allowed by default. .rar is neither explicitly allowed or denied, but you can always add it to filename.rules.conf.

For files inside archives, archives.filename.rules.conf controls and denies .exe by default.

For MailScanner prior to 4.76.1 there is no separate archives.filename.rules.conf, but archives should be allowed unless they contain disallowed files.

If this is not what you see, please be specific about your MailScanner version and the type of archive and the contents that behave differently.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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