Requeuing failed messages

Mark Sapiro mark at
Mon Jan 2 01:08:50 UTC 2017

On 01/01/2017 04:39 PM, Danita Zanre wrote:
> No - because that specifically doesn’t work with MailWatch.  In reality,
> these messages aren’t that important - it’s only for my “test” domain,
> and I can trash them if necessary, but I guess you are saying that if
> this were to happen in the “real world” I would not be able to easily
> requeue these?  They look very “mime”, but they are not saved as queue
> files.

If they are not saved as queue files, they are not in the correct format
to be copied to (I assume Postfix's) hold queue.

What you can do is just give them to Postfix as an incoming message. E.g.

sendmail -i -t < quarantined_message_file

which will process the message and presumably just put in in the hold
queue for MailScanner.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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