Clam AV / Perl Modules

Dana Schuett dana at
Thu Jul 30 14:52:31 UTC 2015

I noticed in the newest version of MailScanner (4.85.2-2) that they 
recommend that you let the install script install Clam AV. I have always 
installed clamd manually. I guess my question is, when letting the 
script install clam, why does it use calmscan instead of clamd? Clamscan 
causes a considerably high CPU load if you have any kind of mail volume. 
Wouldn't it make much more sense to use clamd instead? I know clamd has 
a significantly less CPU load. Any insight on this would be much 

Also, I noticed that the install script tries to install perl modules 
via Yum using the following format: Mail::ClamAV. In Yum, perl modules 
use this format perl-Mail-ClamAV, so of course they all fail. I can't 
believe this wasn't noticed by the devs.

- Dana
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