Clam AV / Perl Modules

Jerry Benton jerry.benton at
Thu Jul 30 19:40:49 UTC 2015

When you install clamd, clamscan also gets installed as a dependency. For MailScanner to use clamd, you need to set it as your virus scanner in MailScanner.conf.

I wrote the install scripts. You can install module on RHEL like this: "yum install perl(Mail::ClamAV)” and it will install the yum package that contains that module if it is available. This is done so that perl modules are installed from the package management system if available and then installed via CPAN later down the line if the module is still missing. 

I can’t believe you don’t know this. 

Jerry Benton

> On Jul 30, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Dana Schuett <dana at> wrote:
> I noticed in the newest version of MailScanner (4.85.2-2) that they recommend that you let the install script install Clam AV. I have always installed clamd manually. I guess my question is, when letting the script install clam, why does it use calmscan instead of clamd? Clamscan causes a considerably high CPU load if you have any kind of mail volume. Wouldn't it make much more sense to use clamd instead? I know clamd has a significantly less CPU load. Any insight on this would be much appreciated.
> Also, I noticed that the install script tries to install perl modules via Yum using the following format: Mail::ClamAV. In Yum, perl modules use this format perl-Mail-ClamAV, so of course they all fail. I can't believe this wasn't noticed by the devs.
> - Dana
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