ot a bit: sendmail and TO mx not found

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at fsl.com
Tue Sep 2 15:55:38 IST 2014

Can you provide a proper example of a domain that exhibits this 
behaviour?  Having a non-resolvable primary MX is pretty rare, so I'd be 
pretty surprised to see this happening very often.

I suspect it's likely caused by your wildcard A record on your domain:

smf at i7-desktop:~$ host sdlkfjsdklfjsdklfjsldf.conviator.com
sdlkfjsdklfjsdklfjsldf.conviator.com has address

And the interaction between that and your search path in resolv.conf.

I bet if you type something like:

ping sdklfjsdkljfskl.skdfjsdkjfs

On that server - it will resolve to


On 02/09/14 13:19, ja at conviator.com wrote:
> hi
> its a bit OT but I hope its OK anyway. We are also using Mailscanner as
> outbound scanner and see a problem that I cannot figure out - probably
> some setting im missing.
> sometimes "we" send emails to a domain where the primary MX record does
> not resolve. I would have expected that sendmail would just try the next
> but instead it resolves to mxrecord.name.OURDOMAIN.COM (I think) - it
> seams it appends our domain and then tries this server and this server
> says "no thanks" so the delivery fails.
> I tried to lookup the MX myself using the same nameserver as the
> mailscanner server is using - this fails so its not the DNS server that
> appends something to make it resolveable or gives out a standard IP.
> I also checked the resolve file to check that there is not search
> setting that would make it search our domain for a valid IP/lookup.
> how can I stop this behavior and make it try the next MX in line?
> best regards
> Jan

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