ot a bit: sendmail and TO mx not found

Joolee mailscanner at joolee.nl
Tue Sep 2 15:36:48 IST 2014

rfc5321 section 5 indicates that Sendmail *should* try the server(s) to
whom the alternative MX records point. It shouldn't try all multihomed A
records pointed to by a single MX record (although, that's not exactly what
the RFC says) but that's not the case here. So the question still is, why
doesn't Sendmail try the alternative MX records?

On 2 September 2014 14:39, Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org> wrote:

>  If the primary MX does not resolve , sendmail will not try a lesser MX
> record, because the best option is unresolvable, so it will return the
> message after checking and appending any search parameters given in
> /etc/resolv.conf.
> This behaviour is by design, and you are trying to fix a problem which is
> inherently not yours to solve.
> If the primary MX does not resolve : The domain is broken - so why try and
> work around that?
> On 02/09/2014 13:19, ja at conviator.com wrote:
> hi
> its a bit OT but I hope its OK anyway. We are also using Mailscanner as
> outbound scanner and see a problem that I cannot figure out - probably some
> setting im missing.
> sometimes "we" send emails to a domain where the primary MX record does
> not resolve. I would have expected that sendmail would just try the next
> but instead it resolves to mxrecord.name.OURDOMAIN.COM (I think) - it
> seams it appends our domain and then tries this server and this server says
> "no thanks" so the delivery fails.
> I tried to lookup the MX myself using the same nameserver as the
> mailscanner server is using - this fails so its not the DNS server that
> appends something to make it resolveable or gives out a standard IP.
> I also checked the resolve file to check that there is not search setting
> that would make it search our domain for a valid IP/lookup.
> how can I stop this behavior and make it try the next MX in line?
> best regards
> Jan
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>   [image: horizontal ruler]    Peter Farrow  [image: avatar]
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