Disappearing email - could be OT

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Mon Feb 11 20:33:40 GMT 2013

Nope. Different senders from the same domain come through fine. I can't 
say whether different senders to the same recipient varies any.

We actually receive emails from the same server (with the same IP) that 
go through normally from other addresses of that domain.

Which procmailrc file are you referring to? I don't have any installed 
under any user.

Thanks, Alex


On 2/11/2013 2:36 PM, Alex Neuman wrote:
> Could be a .procmailrc issue. Does it happen to *all* e-mails, 
> regardless of recipient?
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Steve Campbell <campbell at cnpapers.com 
> <mailto:campbell at cnpapers.com>> wrote:
>     I'm seeing a problem from a couple of my servers. I have a primary
>     server for one of our domains, but I see emails coming through a
>     secondary server for this domain. The email that gets sent through the
>     secondary is relayed to the primary just fine.
>     The problem is that the primary accepts the email and then
>     disappears. I
>     see a line in my sendmail logs like the following:
>     On the secondary:
>     sendmail[17339]: r1BGGT8J017339: from=<xxxxxx at yyyyy.
>     com>, size=0, class=0, nrcpts=1, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
>     relay=173-219-91-250.s
>     ta.suddenlink.net <http://ta.suddenlink.net> [] (may
>     be forged)
>     On the primary (relayed from the secondary above):
>     sendmail[31249]: r1BGGZCZ031249: from=<debbie at kcprc.com
>     <mailto:debbie at kcprc.com>>, size=0,
>     class=0, nrcpts=1, proto=SMTP, daemon=MTA,
>     relay=mailserver1.cnpapers.net <http://mailserver1.cnpapers.net>
>     []
>     The logs above are for the same message. This is the only entries
>     I see
>     for this email in both logs. The email isn't delivered, logged through
>     Mailscanner, and doesn't exist in the mqueue or mqueue.in
>     <http://mqueue.in> directory.
>     Has anyone seen this type of problem before? How did it get
>     solved? Any
>     reason to believe there's a problem in  the processing database
>     and how
>     do I discover this?
>     thanks
>     steve campbell
>     Thanks for any
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> Alex Neuman van der Hans
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