byebye MailScanner

Alex Broens ms-list at
Tue Apr 10 22:28:58 IST 2012

On 04/10/2012 11:09 PM, Peter Bonivart wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Ken Anderson<ka at>  wrote:
>> After years of MailScanner, a 'light' solution does sounds good though..
> Do you really have that much problems? I've been a MailScanner user
> for about 9 years running multiple installations of varying size and
> had almost zero problems during this whole time.

>> From what I can deduce from this mailing list those who have problems
> have Postfix (nice but not a good fit for MailScanner) and/or updates
> everything on their production systems without testing it first.

Nope.. I didn't have any problems coz I never followed each upgrade 
which was available.
(I'm embarrased to tell what version I'm still using- and it runs very 

I just needed something lighter than MS


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