What tables to create for using SQL capability of MailScanner conf.

Joolee mailscanner at joolee.nl
Thu Apr 5 14:11:20 IST 2012

Well, if you did read the manual, you'd seen that there is a property
called "SQL Debug" you can set to "Yes" to get more information from
Mailscanner about the MySQL connection.
You tell us MailScanner connected to MySQL properly? In that case, you
can tell us what queries your MailScanner sends to MySQL and what
answers it receives. How do you know that Mailscanner connects
properly and the configured queries give the correct results?

2012/4/5 Tomáš Kurinec <tomb.stoney at gmail.com>:
> Alex, I'm not blaming the list (I don't know how you figured this out)
> and I'm thankful for any help. I just put the rulesets in the table
> and the ruleset do not work. When I put the same rule to the file it
> worked so Mailscanner is configured properly. I had set up the
> database correctly and the MailScanner connect to it preperly (I did
> not see any errors when I start mailscanner --debug).
> Thank you for your responses. I will take a look at the mailwatch and
> try to create similar tables. I do not know why MailScanner do not
> have any create.sql file with SQL 'create tables' when Mailwatch have
> this. It would definitely save me and the others some time for
> searching the best tables for it. It will take you a little time to
> write it and save a lot to others. Think about it.
> Thank you.
> Dňa 4. apríla 2012 16:14, Andrew Colin Kissa <andrew at topdog.za.net> napísal/a:
>> On 04 Apr 2012, at 2:57 PM, Tomáš Kurinec wrote:
>>> Sorry, but I don't really know how can this help me. Believe me, I
>>> tried many tables, create them by myself, but nothing works. Rulesets
>>> are working fine untill I put them in the table. I even manually
>>> increase the SQL Serial Number and reload MailScanner, but the
>>> rulesets do not work.
>>> I don't know who else I should ask. If you think there is some other
>>> mailling list which I should ask, I would be glad if you point me to
>>> the right direction. I thought that creators of mailscanner would know
>>> it.
>> If you RTFM you will find that all you are asking about is explained
>> http://mailscanner.info/MailScanner.conf.index.html#SQL%20Ruleset
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