Feature (?) Request

Alex Neuman alex at vidadigital.com.pa
Tue Mar 1 18:10:45 GMT 2011

True. I meant for the "clean" messages.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com> wrote:
> on 2/19/2011 1:36 PM Alex Neuman van der Hans spake the following:
>> Julian,
>> I was wondering if it would be useful for others to insert variables in
>> inline.sig.txt and inline.sig.html - specifically, something like the
>> Message-ID. Sometimes users aren't savvy enough to know how to extract
>> headers, and having that info might save some time looking for the message in
>> MailWatch or other similar tools.
>> What do you think?
> If a user needs that info on a clean message, maybe. But for anything that is
> disarmed or "fixed" there are already variables in the rest of the reports. I
> usually have the user forward the message to me and get the message ID myself.
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