weird mailscanner clamd error

Naz Snidanko nsnidanko at
Mon Jan 3 20:34:30 GMT 2011

I have weird stuff happening. When we put any file into ZIP archive
created from Winzip or Winrar I get the following log in mail.log:


Jan  3 15:14:43 ares MailScanner[5103]: Virus and Content Scanning:

Jan  3 15:14:43 ares MailScanner[5103]: Clamd::ERROR:: Access denied.
ERROR :: ./66522203B7.AD6EB/zRicohdeviceUsersetup.doc

Jan  3 15:14:43 ares MailScanner[5103]: Virus Scanning: Clamd found 1

Jan  3 15:14:43 ares MailScanner[5103]: Virus Scanning: Found 1 viruses

Jan  3 15:14:43 ares MailScanner[5103]: Spam Checks: Starting


File delivered after passing mailscanner to final destination.


When I put the same file into ZIP archive using built-in Windows XP
engine it works flawlessly and no error log is generated. No error is
generated when same file is put within .rar archive either.


I've tried different files anything from jpeg to pdf and end up with
error described above.


Can someone point me in the right direct how to troubleshoot this within




Clamd 0.96.5

Ubuntu Server 10.04

MailScanner 4.82.3

Perl 5.10.1


Thank you,

Naz Snidanko

Desktop & Network Support

Harper Power Products Inc.

(p) 416 201- 7506

nsnidanko at
<mailto:nsnidanko at> 

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