Bunch of issues with installing MailScanner on Ubuntu LTS 10.04
(reply to Craig and Markus)
mailinglist at mindconnect.nl
Mon Aug 8 15:14:53 IST 2011
Sorry this reply won't be threaded correctly, I accidently set up my
subscription as a digest so I couldn't respond to individual replies.
For reference, my original post is here and I'm looking for hints and
tips as to how to solve this problem, as are other (potential) users of
And I'm replying to these:
> Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 04:43:18 -0700
> From: Craig White<craigwhite at azapple.com>
> Subject: Re: Bunch of issues with installing MailScanner on Ubuntu LTS
> 10.04
> maybe someone else will take this up with you and give you more specific
> things but I installed MailScanner on my 10.04 LTS a few weeks ago and
> it was rather painful. The MailScanner program and this list misses
> Julian very much.
> In short, the ubuntu/debian package is extremely old (4.79) and I ended
> up using the latest beta which solves all sorts of problems with
> tainting and perl 5.10.x
> Thus I had to do a few things by hand.
> [...]
> I can provide the /etc/init.d/mailscanner script and the extra script if
> you decide to go with the latest beta tarball (and I would definitely
> recommend that).
> Craig
Thanks Craig, I'll let you know if I'd like to have those. I was hoping
to stick to installing from a reputable (Debian/Ubuntu) repository
though. I have to see if it's worth the trouble.
For the record: you did try running a recent/non-beta version first,
right? Did anyone attempt to construct a newer .deb?
> Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:02:58 +0200 (CEST)
> From: Markus Nilsson<markus at markusoft.se>
> Subject: Re: Bunch of issues with installing MailScanner on Ubuntu LTS
> 10.04
> Hi Martijn
> Relating the directory permissions, maybe you need to review your configuration settings for the work dirs? See the well-commented configuration file under the section
> #
> # Incoming Work Dir Settings
> # --------------------------
> #
> I'm guessing you want something like:
> Incoming Work User = postfix
> Incoming Work Group = postfix
> Incoming Work Permissions = 0660
> Also check what group your clam scanner is using, so that is configured with the same group!
> (I.e if the clamd group is clamav, the group above should be clamav instead!)
> /Markus
I have reviews the settings, they currently are:
Incoming Work User =
Incoming Work Group = clamav
Incoming Work Permissions = 640
So, user is empty. I believe that means that it defaults to the 'Run As
User' value.
Clamav is actually working as the clamav user in de clamav group.
To test, I changed permissies on /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming to 777,
but that still results in the same error:
Could not read directory /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming at
/usr/share/MailScanner//MailScanner/Config.pm line 2786
Error in configuration file line 184, directory
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming for incomingworkdir does not exist (or
is not readable) at /usr/share/MailScanner//MailScanner/Config.pm line 3146
Could not read directory /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine at
/usr/share/MailScanner//MailScanner/Config.pm line 2786
Error in configuration file line 188, directory
/var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine for quarantinedir does not exist (or
is not readable) at /usr/share/MailScanner//MailScanner/Config.pm line 3146
- Martijn
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