.zip files

carola at dicyt.umss.edu.bo carola at dicyt.umss.edu.bo
Thu Oct 21 16:20:55 IST 2010

Big thanks Edward for your answer! But I got a little confused, honestly.
I am new here in the list (I subscribed yesterday)so I am not really
familiar yet. You told me that the solution for myself would be to use a
patch...Are we talking about the same thing? ´Cause my inquiry is about
compressed files that are sent as an attach with .zip extension, which
were not allowed to pass for the MailScanner. I already got the solution
but I am worried that this solution could bring me other problems, such as
letting dangerous attachs to pass...



> On 21/10/2010 14:24, carola at dicyt.umss.edu.bo wrote:
>> My MailScanner did not allow pass .zip files in the attachments. I read
>> in
>> the forum that the solution was to change in MailScanner.conf the
>> Maximum Archive Depth to 0
> If this is the same problem we've had reported recently it's probably
> down to a bug in Zip::Archive::Member, see:
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=61930
> If you are confident to do so and have a setup where you can build perl
> modules (i.e. you use cpan) you can download the latest source from here:
> http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Archive-Zip-1.30.tar.gz
> Then apply the patch in the bug report above, run perl MakeFile.PL &&
> make && make install, but do so at your own risk and be aware of using
> cpan in an environment not setup for it (for example RHEL out of the box).
> Edward
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