The Exchange takeover, stealth Mailscanner, SPF, and other thoughts. Subj was: Re: help me

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Tue Oct 19 18:52:23 IST 2010

On 19/10/10 14:00, Peter Farrow wrote:
>> 1) They are currently ripping out our ADSL lines/VPNs to replace them
>> with a BT managed ‘cloud’ system. Not only are the links more
>> expensive and in some cases slower (we have some sites running
>> 20Mbit/2.5Mbit LLU that are going back to 8Mbit/883K), but they have
>> to pay an annual support charge and submit a request for any router
>> config changes.

> Obviously they have cash to burn, and the BT "cloud" they are selling at
> 8M/832k is based on the ANCIENT ipstream technology which forms the
> original ADSL1.0 offering in the UK 10 years ago. Your LLU services are
> based on ADSL2+ so you are going to be taking a HUGE step backwards and
> paying handsomely for the "privilege".

Actually this sounds like BT Metro/IPClear which is a MPLS VPN solution 
that I used at my previous job.  Like you say - it's using the 'old' 
ADSL infrastructure but offers things that aren't possible using regular 
DSL lines e.g. it's a DSL line that's delivered into your own private 
MPLS cloud offering inter-office connectivity without the overhead of 
individual VPN tunnels between the offices (as this is handled by MPLS) 
along with 'centralised' internet access through a nominated central 
office.  You can also add proper QoS throughout the cloud too and add 
extra offices and DR sites easily.  So it does offer quite a bit of 
extra functionality - but it's all at significant cost and management 

> This is a laughable, and its usually based on some empire-building moron
> stacking up responsibility in his own office at the companies expense
> and at the expense of performance and progress....

100% agree with that.

> Time to leave... as your counterparts shovel £50 notes on the fire to
> keep warm....

Yeah; good luck with whatever you're going on to do.  I'm local to you 
(Tangmere) so if you send me your details I'll try and pass on any 
relevant work to you if I am able.


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