The Exchange takeover, stealth Mailscanner, SPF, and other thoughts. Subj was: Re: help me

Peter Farrow peter at
Tue Oct 19 14:00:07 IST 2010

  On 19/10/2010 13:43, Nigel Kendrick wrote:
> Reply below
> *From:* mailscanner-bounces at 
> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] *On Behalf Of 
> *Alex Crow
> *Sent:* 15 October 2010 17:25
> *To:* mailscanner at
> *Subject:* The Exchange takeover, stealth Mailscanner, SPF, and other 
> thoughts. Subj was: Re: help me
> Martin,
> However that might not play out quite as well as just letting them 
> shoot themselves in the foot - if you put a "stealth" MS box in front 
> of Exchange, then management would just think that the Microsoft stuff 
> did just as well as the old Linux software. It might be better to 
> explain it should be tested with and without the Mailscanner solution 
> as a comparison. However if Nigel is leaving, why not just let them 
> fight their own war!
> --> Yes, they can make their own plans now.
> Nigel, I presumed you pointed out that in addition to the £16k for 
> exchange they would need something to stem the spam-flow, and given 
> their need for "a throat to squeeze" (the usual reason) it would 
> probably be commercial?
> --> Company motto seems to be "If there's two comparable ways to do 
> something, pick the most expensive."  As well as the email fiasco...
>   1)  They are currently ripping out our ADSL lines/VPNs to replace 
> them with a BT managed 'cloud' system.  Not only are the links more 
> expensive and in some cases slower (we have some sites running 
> 20Mbit/2.5Mbit LLU that are going back to 8Mbit/883K), but they have 
> to pay an annual support charge and submit a request for any router 
> config changes.
> 2) They need to 'move' a central server to from my offices to their HQ 
> -- so they buy a second, identical server (Dell 6850 rackmount with 4 
> Quad core Pentiums, 16GB RAM and 300GB RAID 5 SAS (3 disks)) and 
> someone is going to do a data dump this weekend and drive it up. There 
> would be no problems with the downtime, but for some reason I have no 
> inclination of questioning, they aren't just going to backup this 
> server, shut it down and take it with them.
> [Snip]
> Cheers
> Alex
Obviously they have cash to burn, and the BT "cloud" they are selling at 
8M/832k is based on the ANCIENT ipstream technology which forms the 
original ADSL1.0 offering in the UK 10 years ago.  Your LLU services are 
based on ADSL2+ so you are going to be taking a HUGE step backwards and 
paying handsomely for the "privilege".

I very much hope they are fluent in punjabi-english and don't want 
anything done properly or quickly, because when you need a change you'll 
be speaking to someone on the sub continent who doesn't even know where 
London is.

This is a laughable, and its usually based on some empire-building moron 
stacking up responsibility in his own office at the companies expense 
and at the expense of performance and progress....

Time to leave...  as your counterparts shovel £50 notes on the fire to 
keep warm....

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