Betr.: MailScanner performance issues

Arjan Melein Amelein at
Thu Nov 11 15:54:19 GMT 2010

I'm just going to go down the obvious  ..

What kind of load is the system giving when you look at 'top' ? Is there anything spiking ?
Is there a message stuck in a loop ? (i've had this, it kept resubmitting a single message over and over)
Is the filesystem mounted on a network share ?
Do you see anything out of the ordinary when you look at 'iotop' or 'iostat' ?
How many virusscanners do you have installed that MS uses ? Is any of them giving odd messages ?
What do you see when you put 'Log Speed = yes' in the mailscanner.conf

Thats .. all i can think of at the moment. I'm assuming the specs for the machine are 'modern' and not an old 486 that you found somewhere ? :-)


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