docx problems

PSI Mailbag mailbag at
Sun May 30 05:31:36 IST 2010

> Sorry about that, you're absolutely right. Trivial fix. Find the line
> in the patch that says
>        push @tmplist, $tmplist1;
> and change it to
>        push @tmplist, $tmplist1 unless -d $tmplist1;
> Then give it another go.

Maybe I'm missing something, but this line wasn't in the patch you sent
to the list. Was this supposed to be after "$tmplist1 = $1;"? If so, is
it safe to backport this patch to 4.79.11? Is there anything I need to
watch out for if I add in the missing "push" to the patch and match the
"JFK 20100211" changes (as shown in your diff) in that section of the

I would like to test out the patch, but would prefer to stay on the last
stable for this particular server..

> You are running a much more recent version of Archive::Zip than the
> I distribute, which would explain why only a few people are seeing the
> problem. I distribute 1.16 and this doesn't cause this problem to show
> itself.

My particular Archive::Zip (1.24) is from the FSL Gold repo.. which
you're technically the CTO of, right? ;-)

As an aside, today marks my 2,500th day running MailScanner! Oddly
enough, it's also the same day that we hit 6 TB of content being
processed by MailScanner. Thanks for your time over the years, Jules!


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