Off Topic: Caching Bind Server Freezing

Landon Stewart lstewart at
Wed Jan 27 19:31:05 GMT 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Gottschalk, David <dgottsc at>wrote:

> Does anyone here use Bind to cache DNS lookups on their MailScanner boxes?
> I have a bind caching server running on each of my MailScanner machines,
> and occasionally named will completely freeze up. I'm not sure why this is
> occurring. I thought it might have had to do with SpamHaus lookups hanging
> (they blocked our lookups), so I disabled them in my;
> however, that has not resolved the issue.
> I'm running version 9.2.4.

Hi David,

Are you blocking UDP:53 or TCP:53 with your iptables or upstream?  Do any
lookups work at all when its frozen (cached or other)?  Can you perform
lookups using other name servers from the machine?  (eg. dig  When it is frozen what does the output of lsof look like for
that process?  Are there a lot of network resources in use by the named
process when it freezes?

Landon Stewart <LStewart at SUPERB.NET>
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