Virus report and german umlaut

Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator goetz.reinicke at
Fri Oct 2 09:29:14 IST 2009

O.K. Thanks, so it is a feature.

At first, I was surprised that the message was cleaned, as the reported
filename only showed .pdf .


Jules Field schrieb:
> This behaviour is by design. I never include the original filename in
> any reports unless I can be 100% sure that it is safe to do so. If you
> want to see the original filename, look at the message in the
> quarantine. You would be amazed by the security problems you open
> yourself up to by using user input in any of your software's output,
> without sanitising it first!
> On 02/10/2009 07:53, Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I got an error while sending an attachement with a "double" filename
>> extension. This is correct as mailscanner is configured to check and
>> disinfect this.
>> But, the filename showen in the report is somehow confusing as it is not
>> the real name of the file:
>> Report: Achtung: MailScanner: Attempt to hide real filename extension
>> (Basiskurs Einf.pdf)
>> The realname is
>> Basiskurs Einführung IT 2009 - 2010.key.pdf
>> So there is may be a problem with the german umlaut.
>> Bug? Feature? or misconfiguration?
>> mailscanner-4.78.17-1
>> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)
>> perl-5.8.8-27.el5
>> Thanks an best regards,
>>     Götz
> Jules

Götz Reinicke

Tel. +49 7141 969 420
Fax  +49 7141 969 55 420
E-Mail goetz.reinicke at

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Akademiehof 10
71638 Ludwigsburg

Eintragung Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 205016
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Hübner
Staatsrätin für Demographischen Wandel und für Senioren im Staatsministerium

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