OT: Snertsoft roundhouse on Solaris 8

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 13:19:48 GMT 2009

2009/11/10 Anthony Peacock <a.peacock at chime.ucl.ac.uk>:
> Hi Gary,
> Thanks for your message.
> I decided to spend a little more time looking into the problem this morning,
> and bizzarely, it worked fine first time.  I didn't do anything differently
> this morning compared to previous occasions, and I am at a loss to explain
> why it is working now, and not before.
> I'm going to leave it running (complete with truss output) for a couple of
> hours to run my tests and then I may never need to run it on Solaris 8 again
> (with any luck).
> Gary Pentland wrote:
>> # truss -wall -rall -leaf /opt/local/snertsoft/bin.....
>> Would be the debugging option if you like strace and similar
> I had been looking into this, hadn't found anything obvious yet.
>> If I read this right, roundhouse works reliably on port 26, normal mta on
>> 25....
>> Swap the ports around and it doesn't work...  Is that correct?
> It is not quite that simple, but that is one of the failure patterns.
>> If that is the case I'd guess then that there is a config issue in
>> swapping the ports around, does roundhouse run on 25 with no MTA running?
>>  Obviously difficult to try if this is your real server but I suspect
>> something is holding port 25 open and that is preventing roundhouse from
>> starting.
>> I assume that you are starting the MTA on 26 first, then roundhouse?  Try
>> the other way around, start roundhouse first then the MTA... or simply start
>> the MTA and then the old # netstat -an | grep LISTEN or similar to check 25
>> is available for roundhouse.
>> I do suspect this will turn out to be something silly/obvious....
> Me too!
Might actually be quite simple... Sendmail might've taken a while to
"go away", so kept port 25 for itself, the first time around... And
not the second;-).

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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