problem with requeue losing recipient

John Wilcock john at
Wed Nov 4 08:50:49 GMT 2009

Le 04/11/2009 08:22, Harondel J. Sibble a écrit :
>> You should disconnect after a 450 and not keep the SMTP connection open
>> >  to prevent the ambigious situation you have created.
> Is this what you are refering too?
>      unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550

No, that's for rejecting *unknown* recipients.

Your server *did* reject with a 450 code, so the sending server should 
try to resend the message for the other recipient.

I don't think there's any way of making postfix close the SMTP 
connection at this stage. What is your postgrey delay set to?

> are you asking to the see the whole config file?  Does postfix have a way to
> output just the active settings in the without comments. I know there
> is a way to do this with dovecot, but don't know if postfix has a similar
> thing, nothing found via google so far

postconf -n will show you a list of all non-default settings.


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