"Remove These Headers" not working

Hilario Fochi Silveira hilario at soliton.com.br
Wed May 20 02:58:44 IST 2009


Installation details: RHEL5.3 with cPanel and MailScanner Front End 
MailScanner is running ok for more than one year.
Our server uses the "Remove These Headers = 
%rules-dir%/remove.headers.rules" setting to eliminate inbound return 
receipts requests while allowing outbound receipts headers to stay intact.

Two weeks ago after upgrading to version MailScanner - v4.76.24 we 
begun to notice that some inbound emails were asking for return receipts.

We played a lot with the rules file without success and as a 
temporary solution, we replaced the per domain rules file with the 
the following single line instruction:

Remove These Headers = 

This solution is working, we have no receipts at all both inbound and 
outbound, but we wish to regain the fine granularity control we once had.

The original rules file uses spaces to separate the headers.
The typical per domain lines we had in the remove.headers.rules file were:

# For each domain:
From:   *@domain1.com.br        X-Mozilla-Status: X-Mozilla-Status2: 
To:     *@domain1.com.br        Confirm-Reading-To: 
Delivery-Receipt-To: Disposition-Notification-To: Errors-To: 
MDRcpt-To: MDSend-Notifications-To: Read-Receipt-To: 
Receipt-Requested-To: Return-Receipt-To: Status: Smtp-Rcpt-To: 
X-Acknowledge-To: X-Confirm-Reading-To: X-IMAPBase: X-IMAP: 
X-Keywords: X-Mozilla-Status: X-Mozilla-Status2: X-PMrqc: 
X-Spam-Processed: X-Status: X-UID: X-UIDL:

Those instructions used worked ok with previous MailScanner versions.

During the tests we have done with these files, we noticed that 
Mailscanner does not complain (it does not report errors in the log 
file) with the above described lines, but it also does not remove the 
required headers.
We tried a variety of combination of regex construction substituting 
the spaces with \s and also using the | but none of the tried 
combinations worked.

We will appreciate any hint provided on how to build a working per 
domain regex in the remove headers file using the new Mailscanner 
version regex rules.


Hilario Fochi Silveira
Soliton Controles Industriais Ltda.
Rua Alfredo Pujol, 1010 - Sao Paulo - SP - BRAZIL    ZIP: 02017-002
Tel: +55 11 2950-1834          Fax: +55 11 2979-8980

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