MailScanner process stop doing anything?

Dodson, Ron ron.dodson at
Fri Mar 20 18:34:56 GMT 2009

Running MailScanner 4.31.6 on Solaris 9, Sun v440 with 4 processors.  It
seems like the MailScanner process just stop doing anything after a few
minutes.  They're still running, but no messages are moving from in
queue to out.


I'm doing only virus scanning, no spam assassin or anything else.  I
have a lyris mailing list server sending large blasts of mail to my
MailScanner server, in addition to it handling normal incoming and
outgoing mail.  It's configured not to scan anything coming from the
Lyris server.  Running 10 children, mailscanner work directory on tmpfs.


At the moment I have over 60,000 messages in the in queue, I've been
manually re-starting mailscanner every 10 minutes or so.  Whenever I
restart, it does 3 or 4 batches and then seems to stop doing anything
again.  Meanwhile the in queue grows ever larger.


Ron Dodson

Sr. Network Engineer

Lockheed Martin

Business Process Services


ron.dodson at


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