Blacklisting from URIBL

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at
Mon Jan 19 09:06:06 GMT 2009


> Frankly, if the SA site say otherwise about the uribl_black, in my 
> experience they are plain wrong.
> You can read about the uribl lists here:

I know all about URIBL, no need to explain. ;)

The PF rating is soemthing that is there, and its there due to a reason. 
Some pople on this list (Hey! Alex!) can perhaps explain you.

For example, and i dont say this is good or bad, dont get me wrong, URIBL 
is listing all .ru abused sites. If you are inside .ru this is the same as 
blocking or alike. If you can live with that fine. But please do 
not state its causing no FP's at all.

You might be submitting a lot of items there, and thats nice, but i know 
my way around in URI land also ...


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