Was: Upgrade fron 4.61.7 to 4.74.13-2
Dave Filchak
dave.filchak at senecac.on.ca
Fri Jan 9 17:04:58 GMT 2009
Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Dave Filchak wrote on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:14:24 -0500:
>> config: path "//.spamassassin/user_prefs" is inaccessible: Permission denied
>> I still have no clue where this is being generated from as in the
>> MailScanner.conf, the spamassassin local state directory is set to
>> /var/spool/MailScanner and the permissions are set postfix:postfix
> As I said already: your postfix homedir points to the wrong directory. And
> this error is non-critical and doesn't need to be fixed.
Well I did fix this eventually. I did pix the postfix home directory
>> The worst part is though, that I am not getting mail
> Go thru the usual debugging steps - which means you start at the beginning and
> remove the changes you made for MailScanner in postfix. First thing you want
> to check if postfix still delivers fine without MailScanner. If that is the
> case, then follow the tutorial I pointed you already several times to.
I have gone through this tutorial. Several times in fact. And as far as
making changes to postfix, remember that we have been using
postfix/Mailscanner for several years now so no special changes were
made at this point, to postfix. This was simply an upgrade of
MailScanner, ClamAV and Spamasssassin. At this point I think most of my
problem is that most non spam is being scored as spam (i.e. just above
the 5 threshold) so it is being held in quarantine. Can you direct me to
a good tutorial on fine tuning the filter rules?
> Kai
Dave Filchak
Instructor, School of Communications Arts
Seneca College @ York
Office: Room 1068
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