Upgrade fron 4.61.7 to 4.74.13-2

Kai Schaetzl maillists at conactive.com
Thu Jan 8 17:54:17 GMT 2009

Dave Filchak wrote on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 11:32:47 -0500:

> >> Unfortunately, the user Postfix is set to nologin ( postfix:x:80:80:Postfix
> >> Mail Server:/:/sbin/nologin ) so I cannot sudo to it )

look at the homedir!

> su - postfix -s /bin/bash
> -bash-3.00$ spamassassin --lint
> [19715] warn: config: path "//.spamassassin/user_prefs" is inaccessible: 
> Permission denied
> -bash-3.00$

you get this strange path because your postfix user has the wrong homedir. It 
should be /var/spool/postfix (That also shows that you don't have to su to 
postfix, it's running as postfix, anyway.)
If your mail is still not flowing that might also be the reason for it.

> I am 
> stumped.

This error is absolutely non-critical and can be ignored:

[14255] dbg: config: mkdir /var/spool/postfix/.spamassassin failed: mkdir 
/var/spool/postfix/.spamassassin: Permission denied at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin.pm line 1577
[14255] dbg: config: Permission denied

I'm just wondering why you get this error shown at all. It shouldn't show up 
with a simple "spamassassin --lint" (you wrote you ran that, without -D), only 
with "spamassassin --lint -D". I wonder if you have a mix of an older and newer 
SA on your system. The output level of --lint has been changed several times 
during the last year or so, so that it stops outputting uncritical errors. I 
would really advise to remove the SA package, upgrade your CentOS and then 
reapply it. I have to say that I'm not using the "easy install" package provided 
by Jules. I always role my own which is *very* easy to do as they provide a 
working spec file in their source. You just build it with the command given on 
the download page and it works. You may want to try it this way. Maybe Jules has 
an idea, what's wrong with your SA installation (if there is anything wrong).


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

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