Extracting Attachments

Alex Broens ms-list at alexb.ch
Tue Feb 17 22:14:58 GMT 2009

On 2/17/2009 10:58 PM, Mark Wold wrote:
> I have a client that wants to email me PDF files so that I can convert them
> to TIFF images and then forward them along. They want the process to work
> 24/7. So instead of having a user who's job it is to grab the attachments
> and perform the work, I would like to see if I can get MailScanner to watch
> for emails coming into a specific user, extract and store the attachments to
> a predefined directory in the system, and then move on to other messages. I
> can easily then takes the PDF and perform the conversions and forward it on.
> Does anyone know if I can do this extracting with MailScanner?

I'd look into a header SA rule then action rule based on that SA hit & 
pipe to ripmime to extract the attachement.

tho, there may be a simpler method...

Hope that points you further


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