selecting message that should go into MailScanner

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Tue Feb 17 08:27:01 GMT 2009

2009/2/12 Martin Hepworth <maxsec at>:
> 2009/2/12 Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at>:
>> 2009/2/12 Kai Schaetzl <maillists at>:
>>> You did notice that he already fiddled with that and it didn't work for
>>> him? Why fiddle at all with this if you can skip scanning in MS very
>> No, I missed that...:). Am in a state of chock, since my employer
>> decided to lay off 1/3 of all employees... not me though.
>> Just doing the mailing list thing to have something to focus on other
>> than the situation at hand. Sigh.
> Glen
> i was the first of many at my place back in november. kinda worked out
> 'cos I'm already in a new job, but i don't emvy the guys who got laid
> off a couple of weeks ago. The Job market is alot tougher now - less
> jobs more people wanting them and therefore less salary.
Thanks for the empathy Martin!
I do agree, this is such a strange mix of anxiety (for oneself) and
empathy (with the ones that have to go) and ... well, anger (at "the
powers that be"... The boss(-es) and $DEITY and whatnot).
As I said to Scott, the workload is looking to more than double for
the ones "left behind". Oh well. Time to get back in the saddle:-/.

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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