OT: Bounced Email

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Apr 27 18:24:26 IST 2009

Drew Marshall wrote:
>On 27 Apr 2009, at 10:17, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>> Drew, could you please fix your message headers? They are seriously
>> broken. You send the wrong References and In-Reply-To headers, so that
>> your messages don't thread correctly. Furthermore, you don't send any
>> message-id, so the mailing-list server is forced to add one.
>> It actually looks like you are adding the "would-be" message-id to the
>> References and In-Reply-To headers instead of the replied-to message- 
>> id.
>> Thus the message-id referenced there never exists.
>> Going back in the list this started with your first posting in Feb.  
>> 2009.
>Hi Kai
>I would love to but I'm not sure what has changed. I am using the same  
>Mac Mail app that I was in Feb (Although there might have been an  
>update to it that I have not recognised).
>The copy that I received had the following References header:
>References: 	<49F49DFD.9070901 at openenterprise.ca> <49F4A8A7.9060109 at ecs.soton.ac.uk 
> > <EMEW3|97d11d78e569a39a16dcaae78aa2e574l3PJWG0bMailScanner|ecs.soton.ac.uk|060109 at ecs.soton.ac.uk 
> > <20090426185257.2AC1F1702E at out-b.mx.mail-launder.com>
>Which looks ok to me and should allow threading, certainly Mail has  
>not broken the thread at my end. Other than to say sorry, I'm not sure  
>what else to kick at the moment.

The problem is that mail-launder.com is munging the Message-Id: of
Drew's incoming mail.

The message to which Drew replied had a Message-Id: of
<49F4AC80.8040903 at openenterprise.ca>, but Drew's reply references
<20090426185257.2AC1F1702E at out-b.mx.mail-launder.com>, which is a
message-id that the rest of us have never seen.

Drew, you need to tell mail-launder.com to stup munging Message-IDs.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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