OT: Bounced Email

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at trunknetworks.com
Mon Apr 27 17:10:19 IST 2009

On 27 Apr 2009, at 15:10, Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> Drew Marshall wrote on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 13:43:34 +0100:
>> I would love to but I'm not sure what has changed. I am using the  
>> same
>> Mac Mail app that I was in Feb (Although there might have been an
>> update to it that I have not recognised).
> Actually, I suspect it's not your mail app. Have you told MS to  
> remove some
> headers or so?

Oh knickers, so I have. Ok, should be fixed now.

>> The copy that I received had the following References header:
>> References:  <49F49DFD.9070901 at openenterprise.ca>
>> <49F4A8A7.9060109 at ecs.soton.ac.uk
>>> <EMEW3|97d11d78e569a39a16dcaae78aa2e574l3PJWG0bMailScanner|ecs.soton.ac.uk|060109 at ecs.soton.ac.uk
>>> <20090426185257.2AC1F1702E at out-b.mx.mail-launder.com>
>> Which looks ok to me
> it's not ok. This last message-id simply does not exist at all!

Quite correct, it was added by the next MTA after the MS servers

> And if it existed this would mean you reply to yourself!

Yes, not thinking. Sorry

> Your headers are really very, very broken!

Yup but now fixed I think.


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