trouble installing mailscanner on freeBSD 6.2 server

Scott Silva ssilva at
Mon Apr 20 20:52:36 IST 2009

on 4-20-2009 7:21 AM Bracey, John spake the following:
> Drew:
> Thanks again for the assistance.  I was able to get the version you
> forwarded me installed after deinstalling the other version.  However
> I'm running into the same issues again:
> [root at scooby ~]# mailscanner -debug -debug-sa
> /usr/local/etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
> In Debugging mode, not forking...
> Trying to setlogsock(unix)
> *****
> If 'awk' (with support for the function strftime) was
> available on your $PATH then all the SpamAssassin debug
> output would have the current time added to the start of
> every line, making debugging far easier.
> *****
> Fatal error 'Recurse on a private mutex.' at line 986 in file
> /usr/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_mutex.c (errno = 0)
> Abort trap: 6

I saw this..

You might give it a try.

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