Mangled MIME Headers in plain text mail

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at
Sun Apr 19 09:14:15 IST 2009

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*

On 19 Apr 2009, at 01:31, Kai Schaetzl wrote:

> Please put a complete original message with all headers up on a  
> pastebin.

Im not sure that's going to be necessary, my last post to list came  
over mangled. Check where my signature lands up. If it's above this  
text then it's happened again...

> Please fix your signature divider (the divider is not "--", it's
> "-- ".)

Hmm, thought it was. I have checked and recreated, so let see if it  
makes a difference...

> Please consider sparing us the "trail version" announcement in the  
> near
> future. Thanks.

How I would love to. They sent me the new licences yesterday but they  
are wrong so it's not going any where for a couple of days :-(


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