Improvements to ?

Scott Silva ssilva at
Mon Sep 29 01:27:11 IST 2008

on 9-28-2008 9:44 AM Julian Field spake the following:
> Good idea, I like that one. There is now a "reinstall" or "--reinstall" 
> command-line option which will attempt to remove the perl-<module-name> 
> rpm if it is installed, just before it attempts to install the new one.
> Should solve your problem nicely.
> I have also added a logfile called "install.log" in the current 
> directory, in which all output will be copied.
Is there any possibility of adding a pause after the removal phase but before 
the re-install phase? That way people with perl rpm upgrades from RedHat can 
update and get the new perl installed in another shell and then resume the first.

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