AW: Using Spamd rather than the SpamAssassin Library

Drew Marshall drew.marshall at
Mon Sep 8 16:27:41 IST 2008

On 8 Sep 2008, at 14:13, Matt Hampton wrote:

> Drew Marshall wrote:
>> One small question, so I can try to tune things a little more. How  
>> does MS hand the batch over to spamd? Is this one batch per spamd  
>> child? I have started spamd with an optimistic -m 30 and my MS 10  
>> children are romping 20+ SA children, which seems a bit high.
> It does one per message - as there is the possibility that you are  
> using a different user for each message.   I haven't seen this cause  
> a slowdown and even with 20 children, it will still be using less  
> than 10 copies of the rules in MailScanner.
> Can you see what status they are in (it will be in the maillog)

Interesting... So there is the potential that with say 10 children,  
each with 20 messages that I am going to need 200 SA children? I fear  
I will have run out of memory by then! Hmm...


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