Italian spam

Mark Sapiro mark at
Sat Sep 6 01:54:01 IST 2008

Marcello Anderlini wrote:

>I suspect then that my bayes filter is not working correctly.
>I dayly try to istruct spamassasin using
>sa-learn --spam --mbox /var/mail/spam and
>sa-learn --ham --mbox /var/mail/notspam
>But it still scores that kind of spam as non spam, ...

Where are the files


In my case, the files that spamassassin uses when invoked by
MailScanner are


However if I were to run sa-learn as userx, the files that would be
updated are in /home/userx/.spamassassin.

In my case also, I use spamd so I use for example

/usr/bin/spamc -u postfix -L spam < message

to learn a message as spam. You may have to experiment with the -u
option on sa-learn to get it to update the right bayes database.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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