New beta release 4.72.4-1

Jason Ede J.Ede at
Mon Oct 27 12:06:29 GMT 2008

> Number three, between numbers one and two, I just haven't had any
> energy
> left. I'm struggling quite hard to keep my weight up (currently only
> weigh 8 stone 1, 113 pounds, 51 kg) and just don't have much energy at
> the moment. There have been a load of colds going round, and while I
> don't really get colds (certainly never get blocked nose, stuffy head,
> anything like that) they still hit me a bit. As for the new liver, well
> they want to redo all the MRI scans, so I've got a few hours in an MRI
> scanner to look forward to. A rather critical new vein has opened up,
> which totally changed their surgical plan, and they need to be very
> sure
> it isn't going to close again or anything daft like that. And no, the
> phone hasn't rung yet, I'm still waiting for the liver transplant call.
> :-)

Hope the call comes soon!

> So MailScanner has had to go on a bit of a back burner for a while. I'm
> sure you understand :-)

Of course we understand :-)

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