OT Shared Imap folders/accounts

Richard Frovarp richard.frovarp at sendit.nodak.edu
Thu Oct 9 18:17:15 IST 2008

Steve Campbell wrote:
> I'm not sure which Imap is installed. The rpm is named imap-2002d. I 
> think this is UW imap, if I'm not mistaken.
> Steve
That's UW. We're running 2004g here. I know I can leave Thunderbird 
running on two machines at the same time and not have issues. I've also 
had Thunderbird running while using Squirrelmail without corruption. 
However, I am only actively using one, the other connection would just 
be doing the 5 or 10 minute update checks. UW has worked just fine for 
us using mbx.

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