Can't install CentOS 5.2 update?

Dave Jones davejones70 at
Fri Jun 27 14:14:49 IST 2008

>Dave Jones a écrit :
>> >> A more simple method that I use is:
>> >>
>> >> # yum -y update (this will fail with the conflicts but download the
>> >> packages into the yum cache for the rpm --force command below)
>> >> # yum -y update --exclude=perl*
>> >> # cd /var/cache/yum/rpmforge/packages
>> >> # rpm -Uhv --force perl*
>> >This could downgrade a perl module that is needed by mailscanner. You
>> could
>> >have no problems, and you could have many.
>> It will not downgrade with the "-U" option.  The rpm command should only
>> upgrade existing modules using the latest version in that directory if
>> you have
>> multiple versions of the same rpm package.  The yum output proves this by
>> skipping older versions.  This is validated by running another "yum
>> update"
>> and it shows everything is up to date.
>> If you think this "perl*" is not safe, then you could manually run the
>> rpm --force
>> on the latest version of the perl module that is conflicting.  I used
>> to do this but
>> found that rpm was smart enough, so I took the easy "perl* way.  All
>> of this
>> would still be much faster, easier, and less risky than reinstalling
>> MailScanner
>> every few months.
>> I will try to figure out how to post this to the wiki if others think
>> this procedure
>> is useful (and safe).  I have been following this procedure for over a
>> year on
>> about a dozen MailScanner instances with no problems.
>I tried this on a RHEL 5.2 server (same as CentOS 5.2) and it didn't
>work... MS refused to start...  so reinstalling MS (or at just the RPMs
>we removed in the first place) is the best way to go.

Of course this will depend on how you originally installed the perl
modules in conflict.  If you installed them via CPAN or from source RPMs,
then the rpm --force _could_ downgrade packages from another source.
As long as you installed them originally from rpmforge, then forcing
the rpmforge packages is safe.

BTW, RHEL servers are going to get their perl modules from RHN and not
from rpmforge.  You need to use rpmforge very carefully with a RHEL
server using RHN and you really need to know what you are doing
with package management and repo priorities (rpmforge and others are
always lower than RHN) or you can end up with many conflicts.
So the package management on RHEL will not be the same as
CentOS with respect to rpmforge and other repos that overlap
packages with the RHN.

I know the MailScanner RPM install needs to be generic enough for multiple
RPM-based distros, but it would be nice if the installer could somehow
detect if a package is available from a repo and use that rather than having
to force a compile of perl modules from a source RPM.  I think the source of
all these conflicts comes from the MailScanner is forcing some
packages that exist in repos.


Dave Jones
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