batch processing tmes

Dave Filchak submit at
Mon Jun 23 00:02:37 IST 2008

OK .. I think I have my configuration straightened out and am not seeing 
errors in spamassassin -d --lint or sa-update -D. However, what I am 
seeing is batch processing times all over the map ... sometimes 1 - 3 
seconds and then often times up as high as 25 -30 seconds. Can anyone 
shed some light as to what might be causing these long processing times. 
These are happening with batches of only two or three messages.

Again, here is my configuration:

This is CentOS release 4.1 (Final)
This is Perl version 5.008005 (5.8.5)

This is MailScanner version 4.70.6
Module versions are:
1.00    AnyDBM_File
1.20    Archive::Zip
0.22    bignum
1.03    Carp
1.41    Compress::Zlib
1.119     Convert::BinHex
0.17    Convert::TNEF
2.121    Data::Dumper
2.27    Date::Parse
1.00    DirHandle
1.05    Fcntl
2.73    File::Basename
2.08    File::Copy
2.01    FileHandle
1.06    File::Path
0.19    File::Temp
0.90    Filesys::Df
1.35    HTML::Entities
3.56    HTML::Parser
2.37    HTML::TokeParser
1.23    IO
1.14    IO::File
1.13    IO::Pipe
2.02    Mail::Header
1.87    Math::BigInt
0.20    Math::BigRat
3.05    MIME::Base64
5.425    MIME::Decoder
5.425    MIME::Decoder::UU
5.425    MIME::Head
5.425    MIME::Parser
3.03    MIME::QuotedPrint
5.425    MIME::Tools
0.11    Net::CIDR
1.25    Net::IP
0.16    OLE::Storage_Lite
1.04    Pod::Escapes
3.05    Pod::Simple
1.08    POSIX
1.19    Scalar::Util
1.77    Socket
2.13    Storable
1.4    Sys::Hostname::Long
0.18    Sys::Syslog
1.26    Test::Pod
0.7    Test::Simple
1.9707    Time::HiRes
1.02    Time::localtime

Optional module versions are:
1.32    Archive::Tar
0.22    bignum
1.82    Business::ISBN
1.10    Business::ISBN::Data
1.08    Data::Dump
1.814    DB_File
1.13    DBD::SQLite
1.58    DBI
1.15    Digest
1.01    Digest::HMAC
2.36    Digest::MD5
2.11    Digest::SHA1
1.00    Encode::Detect
0.17008    Error
0.19    ExtUtils::CBuilder
2.18    ExtUtils::ParseXS
2.36    Getopt::Long
0.44    Inline
1.08    IO::String
1.04    IO::Zlib
2.21    IP::Country
0.22    Mail::ClamAV
3.002005    Mail::SpamAssassin
v2.004    Mail::SPF
1.999001    Mail::SPF::Query
0.2808    Module::Build
0.20    Net::CIDR::Lite
0.63    Net::DNS
0.002.2    Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
missing    Net::LDAP
 4.004    NetAddr::IP
1.94    Parse::RecDescent
missing    SAVI
2.64    Test::Harness
0.95    Test::Manifest
1.95    Text::Balanced
1.35    URI
0.7203    version
0.65    YAML


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